ok thanks jesse I will check with them when im ready-going to remove carbs from right engine today and clean and sync and check them out.after im going to go through the hole fuel system on that engine hose by hose.
When going through the fuel system might want to pay special attention to the fuel selector valve and the fuel/water separator (filter).
The O ring on the separator must seal good or you will suck air and not fuel.
The rubber grommet inside the selector valve becomes worn and will not allow enough fuel through. I usually just replace them on my projects. http://www.parkeryamaha.com/seadoofuelvalve275500098.aspx
Good luck!
no base gaskets under the carbs that might be why it was reving up high-lol it doesent look like anybody took the housing off under the carbs.i see the 2 oil injection lines in the housing under the carbs they are pluged good with small brass plugs.
I have synced the main buterflys now im working on the choke the screw was missing that link the choke butterflys together for adjustment should have this fixed after I find a spring to put on the screw.
if you already heard them run and compression is good, then trying that again is a step backwards, no? Look for any signs of excessive wear, pitting, detonation etc etc would be at the top of the list. The carbs work and getting it to run after you`ve gone thru the carbs and correct gaskets... OEM gaskets for the carbs have been the best way to go for that.yes I don't know why the different colors from 1 engine to the next-he gave me a spar engine that looks nice paintedup real pretty but he said it was the wrong engine for the boat so he bought a engine off ebay for around 900.00 and put it in he said the boat has the right engines in it now.
the wireing looks ok no burnt or fray wires its just going to need some attention and routed the right way.
I have decided to try to get the engines to atleast fire and idel for a few seconds to see if they can even seem to run right-I have heard both fireup when he was here and compression in both are ok.
I might endup pulling both engines I just need to see what I got here that is good
i do have a friend that has his own machine shop he bores all my cylinders for me so that is something on my mind
before i fire this engine i have to check the oil lines im thinking what he did is mixed the fuel in the tank and used this power steering reservoir for the lower end oiling-when i fired them they both did smoke so i know they where getting oil at that time.the one engine did fire but i put 2 stroke gas down the carb its not getting fuel haven't started on that engine yet.
got the carbs cleaned and put back on but guess what been tracking down why I have no power to lanyard switch/start stop switches/netrual switch no power coming in either.
at the top of the fuse box I have found all these wires comeing out of that main board at the top and non are hot
yellow/red strip----start stop switchleft
yellow/red/green start stop right engine
black/yellow stip ----saftylanyard switch
red/white strip neutral switch supply
all dead coming out of the board I was thinking it might be a bad fuse but checked them all and all are good in the board
got the blower working
found a gray wire with a long black fuse link built into the wire power one side but gos dead on the other side so I need to fix that-this gos to bow light witch is mia.
well I found the problem with the wireing after 4.5 hours of tracking wires down.it was a wire that the prevous owner ran to a toggle switch under the dash,it did not have no power to it so I pulled it out did not look like nothing was even hooked up to it.well I guess what he did was ran this wire for a ground for the lanyard switch its the ground for that and gos all the way to the battery.
right engine is running real smooth now after cleaning carbs and putting gaskets under them.
the other engine is next its not getting gas so I don't know what to expect on this one.
I went through the fuse box and put all new fuses in and they are all working perfect thank god that main board is good I looked at what they cost and just about passedout.
yes toolanddiemaker I have a feeling the next motor is going to be the one that needs some money put into it-your boat looks a lot better than mine you have a nice one.
one engine down one to go
yes loodoo that is what he did im looking everywhere for a oil reservoir right now haven't comup with one yet-so what im going to do is switch the power steering one from moter to moter and only run 1 at a time till I get both hooked up right.
I have also been thinking about buying another power steering reservoir and making brackets to mount them for both engines,but I will try to find the right one for a couple weeks and see what happens.
the real test is yet to come, the water test... good luck...Congrats on getting them running. I'm sure times a good feeling.
I did not go back and reread all the posts. Are you familiar with the carbon seals on the shafts? Now that it is running you don't want to hurt those.