As for the starting issue, you may want to loosen the hose clamp on the rubber pick up unit on top of your tank and lift up the assembly and check the vinyl lines that run into your tank. There are two lines - one for "ON" and one for "RESERVE". There are four connections, 2 for feed lines, one for vent and one for return from the carb. Incidentally, the "RESERVE" line is longer. Actually...anyone know the proper lengths for these two pick-up lines? Reason being I was out this weekend and after about 20 min's was having engine surges. Some tinkering later I discovered that the pick-up lines were both gone. They had deteriorated so badly they just fell apart. Yup - that's my next project, clean out the tank and try and find them. I'm hoping the small filters on the ends are still in there somewhere. You may want to check these two pick-up lines to make sure they aren't cracked and sucking air.