What is it Worth - Price Check Thread

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Guys, what do you think about this deal? Im really want to get into a 96 xp, and this guy obviously thinks that it is an 95 which it isn't. 850 seems to be a fairly good deal around these parts, and he said it runs good but who knows. http://kansascity.craigslist.org/boa/3409386556.html . LMK what you think.

You do realize that the 96 XP is a gateway drug right? One hit and your hooked, don't say I didn't warn you!:D
You do realize that the 96 XP is a gateway drug right? One hit and your hooked, don't say I didn't warn you!:D

Well, racerxxx, you are already the damn reason I want to get into a 96, well you and Minnetonka. Your freaking Clapped Out thread has got me wanting to do a winter project, yes I am a glutton for punishment, except I dont really want to 100% original ski, but kind of aftermarket. I have already rebuilt my 96 gsx and have done everything to it that I could, now I want a more "fun" ski. Ill be honest tho, i think I like working on them more than I like riding them! Its addicting, im thinking about ski's like ALL DAY! (GATEWAY DRUG)
Well, racerxxx, you are already the damn reason I want to get into a 96, well you and Minnetonka. Your freaking Clapped Out thread has got me wanting to do a winter project, yes I am a glutton for punishment, except I dont really want to 100% original ski, but kind of aftermarket. I have already rebuilt my 96 gsx and have done everything to it that I could, now I want a more "fun" ski. Ill be honest tho, i think I like working on them more than I like riding them! Its addicting, im thinking about ski's like ALL DAY! (GATEWAY DRUG)

Hey, don't throw me under the bus, Minnetonka is the pusher, he's got all the "goods" to get your old ski going and bumps the X4 thread up for no reason. I'm mearly here documenting my restoration :bs:

I will not be held responsible for fights between you and your spouse, draining your bank account and keeping you up late at night in the garage causing sleep deprivation and wasting countless hours trolling craigslist looking for your next project.:D
Dude, i absolutely love his XP. If i find one im gunna do it in the black and yellow theme, they just look awesome. Somebody here posted a picture of 96 xp with some custom decals, that matched what the originals look like, except the pink was replaced by the black, and it looked SICKKKK. Dont worry about a couple things, im graduating college in 3 weeks, so at this point, no spouse! And ive been a craigslist junkie for about 7 years now, i swear im on everyday just looking up random shit. My friends swear im on there looking for chicks! But I got hit with the seadoo fever and am always looking to buy!
agree with posters above, the 96 seems fair.

also agree with the recent posts, x4's are crack !, when I started back into this sport my ski was a big yama-log, when I asked about improvements, the general consensus was "don't mod it, it won't do much good", but all of my friends had xp, gsx, hx models and when we rode, they were having sooo much more fun than I was, now i'm officially hooked with tinkering.
Hey, don't throw me under the bus, Minnetonka is the pusher, he's got all the "goods" to get your old ski going and bumps the X4 thread up for no reason. I'm mearly here documenting my restoration :bs:

I will not be held responsible for fights between you and your spouse, draining your bank account and keeping you up late at night in the garage causing sleep deprivation and wasting countless hours trolling craigslist looking for your next project.:D

LOLOL so I'm the pusher huh??

Heres some crack for ya...


Err...wait...this is more like it. Here is evidence of the start of my addiction...my 97 SPX. First X-4 that had me hooked on the first hit. Its kinda rough and has alot of BS in there but listen on the speed run at the end for the brappp. That thing was dialed in CRAZY that day.

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Guys, what do you think about this deal? Im really want to get into a 96 xp, and this guy obviously thinks that it is an 95 which it isn't. 850 seems to be a fairly good deal around these parts, and he said it runs good but who knows. http://kansascity.craigslist.org/boa/3409386556.html . LMK what you think.

Id offer 1800 for the whole lot, and sell the rest. If you didnt need a dual trailer, and its in decent shape, thats an easy $500 around here. Sell the other ski for as low as $500, and you would still come out with a great condition X4 for $800. If they both run, you could probably pay for your X4 by selling the 94 and trailer.
Damnit...he already dropped the price $350 within 24 hours. Im freaking out of town and wont be back to look at it til tomorrow or saturday. Im trying to get him to hold it for me...grrrrrr.
Nah i dont really wanna paypal him. Im actually trying to pull off a trade so no money has to switch hands. If it doesnt happen, it doesnt happen. And then i will just restore my gsx... :( Just gotta cross my fingers i guess
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