If you ever need to disassemble, whatever you're sticking together is likely to part before the cured 5200 does.
It's a great adhesive, that property isn't needed in all cases. You wouldn't use it to mount a carburetor or cylinder head, would you? Why not use a sealant to match the application?
For sure, more than one way to accomplish most things.What are you talking about, never said use it on engines? I am done arguing on this. Through hull fittings that the OP asked about is right on the application list for 5200.
the port carbs are in good shape, as theyre on the newer SBT motor. the starboard carbs are pretty nasty so definitely glad im doing this rebuild. however, of course i stripped out the screw holding in the metering block on one of the starboard carbs. first try, wasnt even applying that much force.