Bought this pwc 2 years ago for a lake vacation. It ran fine for 3 days and died. Had FullBore bore the cylinders and proceeded to rebuild the top end. The bottom seemed fine according to father-in-law (he's been turning wrenches for 60 years). I am 2 years new to pwc's. I also have a 1993 XP bought and rebuilt at the same time and a 2019 Spark 3-up (needed a pwc for last years vacation). The '93 run's like a sewing machine. We just spent a week on a lake in Northern Idaho and enjoyed these two.
Here is the problem. Started the 1997 GTS (717 engine), ran about 5 seconds and sounded decent, then turned on the water and the engine died. Turned off water quickly using an in line on/off valve at the flush connection. Took 3 or 4 tries to start again but sounded rough. Pulled the plugs, the mag plug looked wet compared to pto plug. Pulled the head cover and found evidence of water in cylinder. Dried everything, added some Loctite 518 to cylinder O-rings and restarted the motor. Same thing as first time, as soon as the water was turned on it died. This time I was able to turn water off before it died completely. Took off the head cover and found water in mag cylinder again. The piston and head cover were coated with a light brown oily/watery sludge.
The head cover and cylinder cover both appear not to be warped. All gaskets are new, in place, and torqued everything to specification. Not knowing what else to do, with the mag piston down exposing the ports, I pinched the 2 small lines from the exhaust pipe and blew air into the larger hose fitting ahead of the magneto. I got all wet, but water did not blow into mag cylinder. Guess I figured if the water was coming from the exhaust that it would blow into the cylinder given the pressure?
Could something be wrong with the exhaust or the crank case? Is my water pressure from the hose to high? I haven't taken it to the river yet (we live on the Columbia River in Washington State). Don't have much confidence any thing will change, my trailer only holds 2 pwc's and this one's not on it.
I've peeled the Loctite off the cylinder gaskets and I'm reapplying the Loctite. I didn't wait long the first time. Apparently it takes 24 to 72 hours depending on the gap.
Anyone with similar problem, suggestions, solutions?

Here is the problem. Started the 1997 GTS (717 engine), ran about 5 seconds and sounded decent, then turned on the water and the engine died. Turned off water quickly using an in line on/off valve at the flush connection. Took 3 or 4 tries to start again but sounded rough. Pulled the plugs, the mag plug looked wet compared to pto plug. Pulled the head cover and found evidence of water in cylinder. Dried everything, added some Loctite 518 to cylinder O-rings and restarted the motor. Same thing as first time, as soon as the water was turned on it died. This time I was able to turn water off before it died completely. Took off the head cover and found water in mag cylinder again. The piston and head cover were coated with a light brown oily/watery sludge.
The head cover and cylinder cover both appear not to be warped. All gaskets are new, in place, and torqued everything to specification. Not knowing what else to do, with the mag piston down exposing the ports, I pinched the 2 small lines from the exhaust pipe and blew air into the larger hose fitting ahead of the magneto. I got all wet, but water did not blow into mag cylinder. Guess I figured if the water was coming from the exhaust that it would blow into the cylinder given the pressure?
Could something be wrong with the exhaust or the crank case? Is my water pressure from the hose to high? I haven't taken it to the river yet (we live on the Columbia River in Washington State). Don't have much confidence any thing will change, my trailer only holds 2 pwc's and this one's not on it.
I've peeled the Loctite off the cylinder gaskets and I'm reapplying the Loctite. I didn't wait long the first time. Apparently it takes 24 to 72 hours depending on the gap.
Anyone with similar problem, suggestions, solutions?