Trouble Starting, 1 Long Beep when Trying to start or it won't turn over. Please Help

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New Member
Hello my new knowledgeable friends, I am new to this form and I could really use some help.
I bought a used 1997 Seadoo GTI a couple days ago. It ran great when I tested, but the speedometer and fuel gauge don't work. When got it back home and it was running ok, it would slow down and then re-accelerate without me changing the throttle. Today when i took it out i had the same speeding up and slowing down issue, but when it slowed down at times it would just shut off. When i connect the DESS i get two beeps but now I cannot get it to start. Thanks for all of your help in advance.
sounds like fuel supply how old is the fuel might need to clean the delivery system. Also some times the DESS posts act up and go bad giving you one long beep and not starting the machine.
Does it still have the gray "Tempo" fuel hoses? If it does... that's the problem. They decay internally, and send goo into the carbs. That causes the surging in power. In an extreme case, it won't start.

Unfortunately... that surging is because of a lean run... and that's VERY bad on your engine. And, because it won't start now... I would check the compression to make sure you didn't melt the engine.
The prob in the video is that your battery is dead. That single beep is the MPEM resetting with a lanyard installed.
The net is amazing. Either way, there is no shortcut. Make sure the compression is good then ->Replace the lines and filters, rebuild the carbs see where you at.
Thanks, i recharged the battery and replaced the spark plugs and it starts up now, it runs fine on reserve but it slows down and speeds up when on main tank. I plan to replace the main fuel line soon, but is there a tutorial somewhere on how to do it? or should i take it to a mechanic and have them do it? Also how do i check the compression?
..... it starts up now, it runs fine on reserve but it slows down and speeds up when on main tank. ..................


Since this is a high-output 2-stroke... fuel serves 2 uses. (other than being fuel)

1) It helps cool the piston crowns.

2) It transports the oil.

Running lean WILL roast your engine !!!! So, being lazy can cost you $1k for a new one.
Thanks, i recharged the battery and replaced the spark plugs and it starts up now, it runs fine on reserve but it slows down and speeds up when on main tank. I plan to replace the main fuel line soon, but is there a tutorial somewhere on how to do it? or should i take it to a mechanic and have them do it? Also how do i check the compression?

The fuel lines are easy to replace. All you need to do is get enough light in the hull to be able to trace where they go to and from.
What Doc Said X2. I will also repeat, THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS. Change ALL the fuel lines, clean filter and make sure you put a good inline filter just prior to the carb. I would also replace or at least clean the fuel selector switch, AND have the carbs rebuilt. If you can't do it, have someone else do it and make sure they do not miss anything or you will end up with the same problems and maybe an engine rebuild on your hands. I can't tell you how many shops will short cut these required fuel system repairs, and then it happens all over again.
The fuel lines are easy to replace. All you need to do is get enough light in the hull to be able to trace where they go to and from.

There are also like 100 posts on this site with pictures on how to do everything include rebuilding the carbs.
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