Make, model, year ....?
Members are constantly coming in and looking for answers but leaving out the most important information! The year, model, make of your ski/boat is very important in helping you to get a job done. So many of the times, we are left to guess..........not good!
But, for the moment, your question is generic. Molykote is a brand name, made by Dow. You can use any synthetic grease you please on the threads. It's basically used to allow you to run the threads in to get a good torque........
Please, put your ski's info in your avatar for future use. Had this been a question like, "what type spark plug",'d have not gotten an answer.
Please dont' take this as being rude. You just have no idea on how many members get upset because their questions go un-answered. Lack of that info is usually the reason why............:cheers: