And inside is just an o-ring seal and another filter that on this ski was plugged also.
View attachment 34561
Now on to the cleaning....
I like to get all the parts laid out and ready to go and throw away all the old parts that will not be reused.
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This is what I threw away but be aware if you use the OSD kit you will need to reuse the spring arm, large o-ring and shaped o-ring, the rest can go in the round bin.
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For the rust on this one I used a pick and a small brass wire brush and just take your time and scrub and use the brake cleaner. I didn't take a lot of pictures of this but make sure all parts are clean and blown out with air. The rusted screws and retaining plates were cleaned with the brass wire brush.
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Notice the gloves now? The brake parts cleaner is very harsh on skin.
Here you can see the main jet was plugged, if the brake cleaner will not get it clean pluck a wire from your wire brush and use it to get it clear then more brake cleaner.
DO NOT use a drill, welding torch cleaner or file or you will change the flow of the jet.
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Nice and clean.
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You can see the pilot is plugged too. This ski would have never run like this.
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And clean too.
Next is one of the most important parts of cleaning the carb. In the pilot circuit there are three small hols and one large hole that meter fuel into the carb at idle and just off idle and it is typically the three small ones that get plugged. This will cause a poor idle and a stumble or hesitation off idle when you start getting into the throttle.
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This is looking into the carb from the bottom with the butterfly held open.
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Here you can see the cleaner starting to flow out of the large hole at the 10:00 position and a small stream out of the three small holes at the 11:00 position just below the "8" stamping. IF you don't get any flow put the low speed adjuster screw back in about 1 full turn once the threads catch.
View attachment 34595
Now we have a good strong flow out of all four holes. Now remove the low speed screw and blow everything out with air.