Heck there are members in canada running their seadoos...too cold?
wow. alls i can do right now is laugh!! its raining at karls and were getting to 85 today!!! sping has sprung in mid-michigan!
whats the matter joel? all those late night partys till the early morning coming back to haunt ya?:cheers::cheers::cheers:uke:
Wait till you hit over "35" this will all be a good memory of the" good old days"...
Maybe... After all it was a may 24 long weekend. I more likely got sick from "talking" with random girls then the excessive amount of booze i drank. Sunday I drank the most lol. Me some friend at the cottage got a good 10am start and by 3 am i had close to 30 cans beer and a couple of margaritaville blended drinks. And even though i didnt get sick or pass out dont ask how i was feeling the next day.
if these random girls were the sizeim guessing they were, then you might want to get checked for SWINE flu..:lols: