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tattle tale

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New Member
just bought 97 gti--no water coming out tattle tale-- owner says he's ran it this way for quite some time--i checked tubeing from rear of vessel to t in line going out rear-- no obstruction is it safe to remove outlet line and blow with air
That tell tale line should have water coming out of it. It tells you that the engine is getting cooling water. I would check all the elbows and fittings to be sure it's not blocked somewhere. If you blow air into it the blockage might move further inside the engine...then you 'll have to go deeper to un plug it. If you remove the fittings be sure you replace them where they came from as they are specific to location, for different water cooling needs.

tattle tale--

trying to better define problem--line has only one " t " tattle tale line clear up to this point. this line ties in to larger outlet line ~ 1 foot before transom. I would like to disconnect at tee and try blowing through transom--not back to engine--or with unit sitting in water disconnect outlet at transom, start engine and see if water is moving with outlet line out side of craft. is this possible without causing other problems. what else can cause low water flow or no flow--at this point i know nothing about prop pressure system. is there an internal water pump. may be i need to back blow intake at transom.thanks fo all replys.
i think if you blow out from the T fitting, out towards the back, you should be alright,

or run water down it and see if it comes out, or see if its leaking anywhere.
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