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Does the spiritual relm affect vehicles?

LoL, it's a strange question to ask but I've been having such a hard time with this 1999 GTI. I've been trying to get it running right since May of this year and things just keep happening to keep it down. It all started after I got it and put a whole lot of work to get it going right. My mother saw it when she came to visit and said to get rid of it. I look at her and told her, nope. LOL, she going on like 80 and says well I pray that God keeps you off it. I ignore her spiritual threat and continue with my business and since that day, every time I take her out (except once) she breaks down on me. I did a full overhaul before the first ride. The ski has nearly everything changed and she just refuses to stay running right. My last break down where she just stopped running, I checked around and noticed, no fuel in the fuel line. I thought, hey I never changed the fuel selector, so I buy and changed that part. After I finish the install, still no fuel in the fuel line, I trace everything to find the fuel line got a nick from a sharp edge of a zip tie and was letting air in and leaking. I change that line and still nothing. Air is getting into the system somehow so I'm going to have to trace everything again to see what's going on. The point is things like this has been happening with this ski since day one. I've been working on vehicles for over 20 years, with never so many issues. My wife was the first to bring it up asking, she asked me, "do you think your mom did something spiritual to it when she said what she said that day?" I brushed it off when wifety question me about mom's statement but now it's been a few months and it's becoming hard for me to not start to have that thought in mind.
I guarantee that if you find the root cause of the problem the ski will run properly. They are sneaky and throwing parts at them does not often meet with success. I'd pressure test the fuel system, block off the (ON and RES) lines close to the baffle. Pressurize through the fuel line feeding the carb. Switch the fuel selector and test all 3 positions. Squirt some soap bubbles on the water separator (that is a common place for a leak). Recently fixed and checked everything on the fuel system, pulled the carbs, changed jetting, did it all. Nothing worked. Ended up the fuel line from the baffle to the carb, though new, was too soft and the fuel pump's stroke was absorbed by the collapsing line. The ski was crap and needed everything and the only thing that looked good to me was the lines so I left them in place trying to save the guy money and me time. :D I thought that when I found the nipples on the fuel baffle crushed that I'd have solved the problem but that didn't work. Nothing I did addressed the problem and once I replaced the hose all was well. LOL Good Luck !!

As for your Mom's premonition... I wouldn't discount it completely. Mom's can have uncanny abilities of spiritual things.
I guarantee that if you find the root cause of the problem the ski will run properly.
Indo believe this, thats why its so hard for me to give up
Nothing worked. Ended up the fuel line from the baffle to the carb, though new, Nothing I did addressed the problem and once I replaced the hose all was well. LOL Good Luck !!
I love these ah ha moments
As for your Mom's premonition... I wouldn't discount it completely. Mom's can have uncanny abilities of spiritual things.
let's hard for me not to right now.

Event though I feel like I'm not through part at the problem, it appear that I am.

The story goes, I got the ski for $800, supposedly ran great but seller stated it sat a while and needed the carbs done but she had 130 psi compression so i pulled the trigger. When I got it, since it was old I did the following:

Changed the grey lines that were left, I left two lines. The ones going to the fuel to the carb, they were clear line that looked fine. This will come back haunt me. I got rid of all the old fuel, opened the carbs and everything looked good. I changed all the filters and valves, just because who knows when was the last time they were done. The jet pump wear ring looked chewed up, so I pulled the pump and just rebuilt it. regressed the whole thing and I was off onto the water. where she broke down.

I took her home and she refuse to start. Wouldn't start with starter spray or fuel in the cylinders. I thought, is she not exhausting? I checked the water box and it was completely filled with water and thought, maybe she not getting any exhaust that's why she not starting. I emptied the water box and she started right away. hip hip hurray, I though. I take her back on the water and she stalls again. Back to the drawing board I went. I check water box again and it's clear. she got spark, 130 compression, and fuel in the spark plug hole, still not even a caugh to attemp to start. I research here and discover the Rotary valve cover. I get my feeler gauge and check the my service manual (i downloaded it once I got the ski). The clearance is supposed to be .350mm. My clearance was .500mm. I sent the cover to get serviced and when it arrived, I do the service. Strange thing I noticed inside the engine rotary valve ports, the 2T oil looked a little milky, wondering why there was water in the engine. Did some research and maybe my friend towed me too fast on the last breakdown? I drain the milky oil and put everything. She starts like a champ and I take her out and she cuts off again.

I get analyzing again and the stator was out of spec. I couldn't find anything else wrong with her to refuse to start, so I say screw it and changed the stator. The regulator looked horrible, rusted to no ends, so I changed it for good measure as well. She starts and in the trailer withba hose, everything seemed to check out. Intake her out again and she breaks down stalls and refuses to start (every single stall I mention happened after a half an hour of running fine) I take her home and noticed that water was seeping out of the cylinder head. I pull the head and what i discovered was the cylinder walls were warped really badly allowing water intrusion into the engine. A member on here told me that he had a warped cylinder once and it caused all type of running issues. I bought a seal kit to try to save it but after the seal replacement with a shit load of RV silicone, she started right up and ran great for 45 minutes until she stall again. The seals completely failed and the engine was flooded with water. I discovered this when i got home. I didn't want to spend money to rebuild the engine but I was committed at this point. I found a guy selling two GS for $500. I go check them out and one has a mint engine with 145psi compression. With that ski, all the oil leaked out onto the hull. I do the engine swap and when I'm done, she refused to show sign of life. I discover that the rear battery box was bad likely due to bad rusting. Thank God I still had the GS, which had a mint battery box. I swap that and she fires up like a champ. Incouldnt wait to take her out. The next day, i couldn't take her out because the hull was full-on oil. WTF!!! did I inherit the oil leak issue that the GS had? The oil looked like it was coming from the oil pump, so i put my old oil pump back in. Nope, oil leak continued. Next day, i discover that the oil line had a pinch. After fix that i think I'm good to go. I take her out the next day and she ran great for two hours
This is the first time she's ran pass 20 or 30 minutes. upon my return she dies. I thought she I ran out of gas but after looking it over, It's a fuel issue, and this is where I'm at now. Other silly things happened which kept her from going out, like the muffler sprank a leak and other little stuff, like my trailer bunk collapsed due to rust. That ski seems to just be riddled with bad luck, hense this post lol...
But i do think the root cause of most of my woes with the ski was the warped cylinders. IDK how she still ran with everything else being out of spec, that made it take me a while to discover the real root cause. And I forgot to mention, the fuel line came back to haunt me because it started cracking in other areas, after I initially left the two lines because they looked ok. I know I shouldn't just be throwing parts at it but it feels like this 25 year old ski was really neglected and who knows when was the last time the serviceable parts was replaced. I want to make her 100% reliable before I sell her. Lol, our relationship is just too traumatic for me to keep her but I do want the next owner to have a reliable machine for years to come.
Fuel hoses are the cheapest best place to start. Next is the carbs.
If you have compression and fire it will run.