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Setting two POP Offs the same?

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New Member
Had to set two carbs on one ski this was easy at 17lbs pop off.:hurray:

But settting the second ski for a pop off at 30lbs is very slow.:(

I had to cut springs and cut springs but still can get the setting
23-43 set. My gauge goes to 30, so this was my target.
can't seam to get two carbs set to 30 with the six springs to pick from.

Any suggestions?

This is new to me and so are the tools that I made.

Thanks in advance

Sync both carbs to within 1 psi Pop-off, and leak-down test them after re-assembly.
Set LSA & HSA to spec. After installing linkage, recheck butterfly sync's. OR you'll
be re-doing it agin. Bill
Thanks, It was way to late last night to keep beating that dead horse.
I have 8 springs and will test everyone to get the best pair to start with.

What is the leak down test?
Is this like a compression test that you spin the motor by hand?

Today is a new day, after going for a foil ride, I'll get back to it

Thanks again
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