15-4-50 was Marios code name for a little outing for my 50th Birthday, 15 Islands 4 a 50th Birthday.
Mario had this all planned out I didn't know where we were going all I knew is to be at the launch at 10AM. The Gulf Islands lie between the mainland and Vancouver Island on the West Coast of Canada North of Seattle. If you look at the GPS track the first leg heading South we cross through US waters shown by the yellow line the tip of the line where it turns South East is the Western end of the 49th parallel dividing the US and Canada. We stopped on 15 of the southern gulf islands, covered 204km, 127 miles in about 8.5 hours. The pic is the GPS track of the route which we did in a clockwise direction the last leg heading East is 20 miles across the strait. Fun day, Thanks to Mario.