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Seadoo Speedster 240 EFI Excessive smoke at Idle - Multiple fixes applied already

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It still seems you are dumping too much gas/oil into the engine. Typical reasons are too much fuel pressure, sticking/leaking injectors or poor spray pattern.

Have you checked the actual delivery of the oil pump? There is a procedure in the manual for checking the pump. Spec's also.

My engine used to smoke like that...... until I got the injectors serviced. Very little smoke, except in large no-wake zones. Then only a little. I use Quicksilver oil.
Just thought..... When Seadoo stopped using the Mercs... my last 2 experiences with the dealer went south.
Started using a good backyard mechanic for mercs, and he diagnosed my smoking issue wtiihiut even seeing the boat. If you look up the Oil Pump Assembly (815669T) the linkage was put back together with the connecting arm on the wrong side of the pump. That made the pump wide open all the time, AND occasionally the connecting ball would get hung up on the Vapor Separator, keeping it from backing the throttle down.

Are you adding oil about every other fill up?


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anyone? to those of you who have a 240, can you confirm that this smoke is not normal? I really would appreciate any help - thanks again
Mine has never smoked this bad. Typically I get the normal cloud when we first start it at the launch ramp, but then it clears up after running for a few minutes.

The oil is fed by air pressure on my 240, perhaps your oil filter is perforated and allowing too much flow to the engine?...
Also, am I missing something in the manual section or is there nothing for the 2000 and 2001 mercury motors (shop manual)? I only see the 2002..
anyone? to those of you who have a 240, can you confirm that this smoke is not normal? I really would appreciate any help - thanks again
Know this is late but mine does not smoke at all even idle with a hose attached
anyone? to those of you who have a 240, can you confirm that this smoke is not normal? I really would appreciate any help - thanks again

Did you ever get your smoking under control?

From your video, it sounds like your engine is stumbling as you accelerate. Check injector pressure. Should be 36 psi, engine off or on. With engine off. key on, pressure should drop slowly- 5-10 seconds or more. If it falls as soon as you turn off the key, I would suspect you have at least 1 leaking injector (like I did). This will dump gas into the engine continuously. Remember- they are 20 years old.
Hey by any chance did u get the smoke fix we just bought 1 for my dad for fathers day and im having the same problem but our boat is smoking worse
anyone? to those of you who have a 240, can you confirm that this smoke is not normal? I really would appreciate any help - thanks again

It looks like your engine is "loading up" with fuel. That is, too much fuel and that means also too much oil. Why? Where is it coming from? What is your fuel pressure? Should be 35-37psi. When you get your test gauge connected, turn key on, engine off. What is the pressure? Turn key off. How long does it take for pressure to drop to zero? Instantly or several seconds? If instant- you probably have one or more leaking injectors that will dump too much gas into the engine. Too much pressure? Another way for too much fuel dumped into engine. See a pattern here?
It looks like your engine is "loading up" with fuel. That is, too much fuel and that means also too much oil. Why? Where is it coming from? What is your fuel pressure? Should be 35-37psi. When you get your test gauge connected, turn key on, engine off. What is the pressure? Turn key off. How long does it take for pressure to drop to zero? Instantly or several seconds? If instant- you probably have one or more leaking injectors that will dump too much gas into the engine. Too much pressure? Another way for too much fuel dumped into engine. See a pattern here?
This certainly sounds like the problem. I've read a couple of your replies on this thread and yours seems to make the most sense. Is there a link on how to do this test? I have a tough time finding someone to service this motor here in the Vancouver, BC area, so will probably test it myself.
This certainly sounds like the problem. I've read a couple of your replies on this thread and yours seems to make the most sense. Is there a link on how to do this test? I have a tough time finding someone to service this motor here in the Vancouver, BC area, so will probably test it myself.

Explained in sevice book. You need the shadetree mechanic's injector pressure gage.

Very few shops will work on our boats. Those that do, seem to just throw (YOUR) money at the problem and and hope something sticks. What is the definition of a boat?
Explained in sevice book. You need the shadetree mechanic's injector pressure gage.

Very few shops will work on our boats. Those that do, seem to just throw (YOUR) money at the problem and and hope something sticks. What is the definition of a boat?
Have read through the manual now but need to grab the injector pressure gauge. Do you know if an automotive pressure testing kit like this is suitable? DASBET 0-140PSI Fuel Injector Injection Pump Pressure Tester Gauge Kit Car Tools, Fuel Pressure Testers - Amazon Canada
That is more sophisticated (more adapters) for less than mine. Should work for you.
So I finally received the fuel compression gauge. It did not have the adaptor for the merc 240 engine, so I sent it back and got another. Fuel pressure check out fine. 34 PSI with key on. After reading more forum decided to check the throttle position sensor. Using the sewing needles and a multimeter, i get .207 volts at idle and .759 at open throttle. this seems within range according to the manual.

Anything else you think I should check before I hang upside down for a long time to get the injectors out and then serviced? I replaced the air temperature sensor as I had a new one on hand. We did replace the head temperature sensor a couple of years back, but could check that as well. We did use a budget semi-synthetic 2-stroke oil for a few years before we realized you were supposed to use synthetic Quicksilver or equivalent, so perhaps that could have caused some issue with the injectors? Thanks!
I don't mean to sound like an jerk, but I re read this thread and it seems to me you you have not followed all the advise given on this thread. What was fuel pressure with engine running. how did pressure drop after turning off engine? In addition, using the the manual wiring diagrams, I would suggest disconnecting engine computer and measuring air and head temp sensors with ohm meter at connector to computer. Have you verified the vacuum input to fuel regulator will hold a vacuum, i.e. is diaphragm okay. There could be a possibility the needle valve seat in the the case with high pressure fuel pump is not sealing, there is a vent hose connection on top of case that goes to engine case, pull the hose and start engine and make sure no fuel comes out the hose barb on case.
So I finally received the fuel compression gauge. It did not have the adaptor for the merc 240 engine, so I sent it back and got another. Fuel pressure check out fine. 34 PSI with key on. After reading more forum decided to check the throttle position sensor. Using the sewing needles and a multimeter, i get .207 volts at idle and .759 at open throttle. this seems within range according to the manual.

Anything else you think I should check before I hang upside down for a long time to get the injectors out and then serviced? I replaced the air temperature sensor as I had a new one on hand. We did replace the head temperature sensor a couple of years back, but could check that as well. We did use a budget semi-synthetic 2-stroke oil for a few years before we realized you were supposed to use synthetic Quicksilver or equivalent, so perhaps that could have caused some issue with the injectors? Thanks!

Very UNlikely that your old oil was detrimental to the injectors.
Thanks Tim. I think I will look into getting the injectors serviced. TPS, air temperature sensor, head temp sensor, fuel pressure, and oil type all check out. Mind you, I forgot to do the leak down test, but from what you said before it sounds like that would point to the injectors if the pressure drops too fast. I will do that still but probably get the injectors serviced anyway. Like you say, the injectors are 20 years old.
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