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:reddevil:Where does the oil block off plate go on yellow 587 engine? And where can I get one? Thanks
Some say take both hoses off the oil tank put both of those together with a fitting.others say leave the line going to the top of the pre mix tank on. So it can get air and to leave some oil in the tank. Some say put a gear oil into it if your pre mixing. And that will work better for the lubing of the bottom half of the motor.which is it.
not sure on paint or beed blast'n, but go easy around the "bungs" on the pipes. What the used to plug them, they're real thin material. Just had mined tig-welded up.
Like allway's good Info Louis Thank you I did not know that [the Rotax corporation was forned in 1922 in Germany] :hurray:Seems you got a good answer, here with timmyboys post. The price on the block off plate is a good deal.
The problem with the oil your seeing could be in the oil they are using in your tank. There should not be any gear oil in the tank or rotary valve. The gear oil would cause to much friction and resistance to the worm gear of the rotary. Yeah, you'd see the gear oil in these types of applications but I doubt that you find it in an engine running 7000k rpm.
As for the rotary verses reeds?......the Rotax corporation was forned in 1922 in Germany. If you are familar with the reliability of the German engineering, then you know they built the toughest tools in the world. The Rotax engines are used in all types of applications like airplanes, snowmobiles, motorcycles, .....and Seadoo's.
Personally, I like the rotary better because reeds are more likely to bow, causing them to loose vacuum.