no electrical power seadoo xp (98)

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i have 98 seadoo xp limited and it just quit running lost all power, doesnt beep nomore when i put in lanyard and battery is full charged, tried the start stop button 5 times nothing, will turn over if i cross starterany help
Check the starter relay in the ignition box (where the spark plug wires run from). There is also a fuse in there that might have blown.
Hi All,

New to the forum, apologies for raising an old thread, however I am having the same issue with my 98 XP. I bought it about 5 months ago and have been using it every second weekend without any issues. About 3 weeks ago I was riding around and then it died. No beeping from the lanyard and no gauges with the starter button. The battery is fully charged and my dad has taken a look in the starter box as listed below. Any ideas?

Mine has did this periodically yesterday after jumping some pretty rough waves for an hour. I have pretty much narrowed it down to something electrical getting wet, but haven't figured out what it is.

It only does it after much running and getting water in the hull (I pump it out about every 15-20 minutes and 2-3 gallons may come out if I have been riding hard). If I let the water stay in there and it splashes around jumping waves and making hard turns, something gets wet and the bike dies.

Luckily, i have been able to pull the lanyard, put it back on, and it resets, but not for long, and the longer I keep driving, the shorter the time period before the next stall.

Usually, when these kind of electrical demons pop up, I start heading back toward the trailer because they just get worse until i cannot keep it running at all.

Goes away after I rinse the salt water out of the hull and off all the electrical stuff, then spray down with water displacing lube.

No wave jumping and i can ride all day long with no problems.

So, rinse it all down, be sure all contacts are lubed and tight, and check all those fuses.

Welcome to the forum Smife. Always like seeing new faces. You bring up as many old threads as you like!....I love to see that they still prove to help members out from time to time.
Good post Scooper. I think I can take this a little bit deeper though. I had this same problem last year on my 787cc Challenger. It turned out to be the lanyard post. This DESS (digital electronic security system) post works on a rom chip (which is in the cap) and a magnetic connection, which is the post. When they get old, they seem to lose their ability to communicate with each other. You can clean the post and lanyard cap with warm soapy water and let them dry. With mine, it would work for a little while, then I would lose all power. No beeps, nothing. After replacing the post, I've never had another problem with it again.
This deserves a BUMP !

:agree: Enough said... seadoosnipe except welcome to the seadoo forum.
lanyard post...

You are talking about the part attached to the ski where the lanyard snaps on, correct?

What about the lanyard itself. Anything you need to worry about with it?
The lanyard cap itself has the chip in it that actually tells the mpem that it is the correct Lanyard. It is kinda a like a key. I haven't heard many problems with the lanyard cap, but if you do have a problem with it you have to go to seadoo dealer and pay them to have it programed to the mpem. You can't program it your self.
Hi guys,

Thanks, but I think my problem lies deeper than the lanyard, this is not an intermitant problem, and I was jumping and cornering pretty hard before it died so possible wet wires? I cannot even get the gauges to come up even when I hit the starter without a lanyard.
Lanyard and post!

Well, I can't be certain that it is not but I can tell you that if its anything else, you should get a series of beeps to let you know what the trouble code is.
You have a code to let you know if your mpem and other electronics are bad. If your putting on your cap and you get nothing, then either your post is bad and not making any contact or your electrical system at the battery is shot. You may even have a blown fuse in the electrical box. But if your post and lanyard are good, you will get some type of beep....:)
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