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96 Seadoo XP No Power


New Member

First timer here. I have a 1996 seadoo XP that does not do anything when you put the key in or push the start button. The battery is good, I have a like machine and pulled the electrical box (gray box) out of that and swapped them, and have the same issue. I did notice though, If I take out the connection from the black electrical box in the back by the battery and plug it back it, I get lights and the gas gauges lights up, however nothing happens if I push the start button. I'm guessing it's a ground? I have no clue where to start. I've removed all of the components from the black electrical box and tested them with an ohm meter, and everything checks out.

I have power to the one side of the starter relay, all of the fuses checked out, and I can jump the start relay, although the starter is weak to turn over (even though the battery is fully charged. I thought maybe the ground wires, but every time I put an ohm meter on it, I get tone on every ground wire back to the Battery ground. I've ruled out the gray electrical box since i've tested that from another ski. I'm happy to take pictures or anything that may help.

Thank you in advance to any help. I just find it weird that if I unplug the connection from the top of the black electrical box in the back and plug it back in, the gauges light up and work, but after the short period of time that they stay on, they die out and the start button doesn't turn them back on.
I would start by going through any electrical connections you can find and clean them up, Deoxit is good for this, I see lots of corrosion in your picture. Have the battery load tested or at least put your volt meter on the battery while pressing the start button, so you don’t get volts to the starter side of the solenoid when pressing start button? But you can cross the posts on the solenoid and get the starter to crank weakly? Sounds like a possible bad battery, possible bad solenoid, possible bad starter, possible bad battery cable, possible bad connections. Start with having the battery load tested, is it a salt water machine?
This was a fresh water machine. I should have stated that it did get rolled and filled with Water. The black box got filled with water. The battery is new, but I will put a load tester on it. I'll dig a little deeper. Thank you for your reply!
Ok, I've replaced the starter, and Starter solenoid and still have the same issue. I am getting power from the black box to the gray electrical box. could that mean it's an MPEM issue? Battery checked out too.

The second picture shows the red power wire has power all the way up to the gray electrical box.

I would have to have a look at my 96XP and possibly the manual in order to have an idea of the power routing, hopefully someone else will chime in that has worked on the 96XP but if not I will have a look at my non running 96 and the manual. Without looking your saying power goes to a black electrical box first? What’s in the black electrical box? that your getting power to? And then what’s in the grey box? And what are you testing in the grey box when you say your getting power from the black box to the grey box?
Did you remove the bolt at the bottom of the ignition coil and clean the bolt and all the ground wire terminals on it? That is a known problem area for corrosion especially if there was water in the rear electrical box. Also check the connection of the small black wire on the negative battery terminal that supplies ground for all those connections at the bolt on the base of the coil. Move that wire around with an ohmmeter on it to make sure it is providing a good consistent ground to the bolt on the base of the coil.
Thanks, Artr. I did clean those bolts, but that did not help. I have a good ground connection on those cables in the black electrical box. If I unplug the gray connector and plug it back in the gauges light up, and the VTS works, but after they go out, nothing happens.
Does the power stay on for about 30 seconds? If it does and then goes away it sounds like the mpem is behaving like the start key was pressed without the key on the post. If you put the key on, unplug and replug the gray connector and then press the start button while the gauges are lighting up does it start or crank?
artr, When the key is not plugged in and I plug in the gray connector the gauges stay on for 30 seconds, even if I hit the start button. If the key is on when I plug in the gray connector the gauges come on, but when I press the start button they just turn off. Does that sound like MPEM?
Does the beeper work? Do you ever get any beep codes? While it appears the MPEM is not working before replacing it I would try to determime if something else is wrong and the MPEM is just shutting off power. There are beep codes and an advanced diagnostic mode with codes described in the shop manual section 08-06.
Have you tried disconnecting the 2 wire power connector to the VTS to see if that changes anything?
Ok, so I replaced the MPEM with an amazon one and now if I put the key on the DESS and plug in the gray cable it cranks. That's further then I got before. However the it does not stop cranking until I take remove the key. Also, the gas gauge stays on at all times, it stays on well past 30 seconds. Do you think I crossed a wire or something?
I have no experience with aftermarket MPEMs, only what I read on the forum. They are generally not recommended because either they do not work or cause other issues. I think some people have had good luck using them. Maybe someone who used them on a 96 XP can chime in. Mostly it is recommended to find a used OEM replacement. There are places like Westside Powersports that test MPEMs and sell tested OEM replacements. I would get yours tested to resolve whether the MPEM is the original issue or it is something else like wiring.
Did you ever try disconnecting power to the VTS?