Newbie needs a heads up on a 94 SPX

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New Member
Hello all,

Well I am idiot, again. I just bought a '94 SPX off of Ebay sight unseen as a project for my son and I to work on for the new season. The donor for carangel states he was told by a mechanic "one of the heads"(huh?) is bad. I am an accomplished mechanic and I just wanted to know of the main problems you guys have seen with this model.

If the engine has popped, any recommendations for upgrades would be appreciated.

Welcome to the seadoo forum James. I don't remember any specific problems with the 94SPX that i recall. I would do the basics and go from there. Check compression, spark, fuel and cold beer, lots of cold beer. I really don't think this model is any different from all the rest, concerning problems. If you need a authentic seadoo repair manual, you might want to look into being a premium member. Click on the "seadoo Manuals" link at the top of the page for details. This way you can have specs for the engine, diagrams and test data needed in the repair for that specific model. If we can be of any more assistance give us a shout and we'll do our best. This forum is a very friendly place with many active members eager to help out.
I have retrieved it. Apparently the engine stopped while riding, he restarted it and it ran for only a little while. The "mechanic" pulled a plug and told him one of the heads were damaged. He believes he has bad info, but he is unsure.

I did not see the service manuals covering this vehicle. Before I buy the membership I wanted to make sure I had access to the correct manual.
I guarantee you the manual you need is in the Premium section. I just looked it up and this is what I found for you. No links or anything like that, but it shows you that the manual is there.

"1994 Sea Doo Shop Manual
From Bombardier, Shop Manual for 1994 Sea-Doo SP, SPX, SPI, GTX, GTI, XP, Explorer PWC.

Wiring Diagram Included.
320 Pages
63.2 MB
1994, 94"

Hope this helps you. Being a Premium Member is really helping me get my New to me Doo on the water much sooner.

Premium membership!

And premium membership has it's advantages..........if you get stuck, there is one of us always around to help you, one on one, to figure it out for ya!..:)
Man, I'm eating chinese....."general tso's chicken" and got it all over the key board.......well, I guess that's going to slow me down a bit!
Being a premium member brings you closer to resolving you problems quicker with the knowledge and support of other members, all being on the same page of the repair for even the most advanced mechanics.
Well I did it. I think the access to the manuals themselves will pay for the membership!! I know I will have a bunch of questions for you guys. I thank you in advance for your help. (You've actually helped already.)
I'm glad you like the selection of manuals available. I was impressed myself! Any questions you have, we will be more than happy to answer. There are a lot of active members eager to answer and give you advice for you questions. Again welcome to the best seadoo forum on the internet!

I love this place too!
I just ran a compression check. (I had to let the Marvel Mystery Oil soak for a day) I have ~130psi in the front piston and ~50 in the other. Do I need to go ahead and open up the engine for a mechanical problem, or could there be a timing problem with the rotary valve? This is my first foray into 2 stroke engines.

I thought I would just toss out this idea as the manual doesn't always give real world scenarios.
The compression should be idealy 150psi. If less than 100 psi and different reading per cylinder as you have I would pull the head and look inside. If the cylinder is scored than there is your problem. Chances are that the rings on the low cylinder is the problem. The manual will give you info for checking other componets and for disassembly and reassembly of the engine to repair the problem, if you want to do the repair yourself. If you have any other questions give us a shout.
Ok, the rear cylinder bore is scored and the piston has a lean burn pit. I am going to have to replace the liner and the piston. Any suggestions for good parts?
You might want to go to your local seadoo dealer and have them look at the cylinder and see if it can be honed out, or it might have to be bored out to the next size bore .010. If you bore out the cylinder you will have to do both of them so they are the same size including the rings. A local repair shop can advise you on the proper way to go.
Remanafactured motor!....

Good information but there is one thing to be weary of. And that’s the cost that some machine shops charge to bore over and hone a cylinder. And of course if you bore over one, you have to bore over the other. So in essence, your looking at a complete upper end re-work.
I say to be careful because if you have a re-buildable core, you can exchange your old motor in for a new OEM remanufactured one. The 657cc runs about $745 with a one year no fault warranty. If your just looking to replace the complete upper end with new cylinders, you can buy the complete upper end kit, minus the pistons for $475, with pistons, add another $273.
With the compression difference and the age of the motor, there’s no telling how much more life your bearings, crank or connecting rods have left. It may be worth thinking about doing it once for about $750 and be through with it.
Oh yeah, when they send you the new OEM rebuilt motor, you just put your old one back in the crate and have it picked back up. It’s pretty simple.
If your just looking for the experience of boring over both cylinders for the experience, then you should enjoy the learning experience.
Good input seadoosnipe, but sometimes it might just need a re-hone and re-ring and be done. Without seeing the parts it is hard to tell how extensive the damage is. Seadoosnipe is correct that if it needs to be over hauled it is cheaper to do a exchange than a rebuild. Have it looked at and go from there. There shouldn't be a charge for advise at the shop. Keep us posted on your evaluation.

The score is probably over .040" deep, which is beyond a rebuild. It looks like a ring broke. THe engine is a rebuilt OEM I believe from 2005. The little circle sticker on the top is pink, which I believe means it has overheated. I am looking to just replace the liner and the piston without increasing bore at this point. If this is not possible, then I am going to have to get a reman engine. My wife is not happy about my purchasing this unit, so I am looking to repair and sell.

I do want to know if the OEM pistons are flat top or domed. These pistons are domed, but the photos I have seen show flat tops. Please advise.

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Thank you for the help. I will post one of my questions for others to read about the interchangeability of the engines. Will the 657, 657x, and 717 engines readily swap? Will the cooling/oiling systems keep up with the increased displacement?

The only engines you can use are the engines that come in the Seadoo....if you have the white engine, then you can't use the yellow.........Hope this helps!...
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