New Website Theme for SeaDoo Forum...


Staff member
There is a new theme on the horizon.. just wanted to give everyone a heads up. We are very excited about it.
Please excuse us today.. hoping to have the theme active very soon.
Going to be a couple hours while we install and debug the changes. Should see things clean up nicely and everything should work again unlike the broken elements on the old template. Dramatic change, but also will load much faster and look better no matter what size screen you have (responsive design).
Dont know if I like it yet, but I am sure it will be easy to get the hang of it. It looks better that is for sure. I don't deal with change so well, I like everything original.

Maybe that's why some of our posts went missing?
Please report anything that looks lost or broken with the site! Thank you :cheers:
Please report anything that looks lost or broken with the site! Thank you :cheers:

just checked it on my phone (not through tapatalk), just through chrome.

all funky there ! the parts site vertical banner ad takes up most of the screen...
Good catch.. thank you! That is actually the mobile theme having an issue with one of our new plugins. Thats not the new theme :)
It looks like the black banner on the top right (with Welcome in it) is over laying a white search box or something.

How do get to see all the recent threads without clicking on a certain community?
It looks like the black banner on the top right (with Welcome in it) is over laying a white search box or something.

How do get to see all the recent threads without clicking on a certain community?

Can you get a screen shot? Also what browser (and version) and operating system are you using? Recent threads is on the left as "What's New"
Generally I like it, it's faster and simpler. Just a couple of things:

1. I would like to see the parts open up in a new window, like the last version, it just makes it easier to go back and forth for parts reference.

2. When I logged in I had a new PM, when I checked it I was told to download a new viewer INBOXACE, I downloaded it, it's actually a tool bar and I started getting pop up adds from Asian women wanting to date (not necessarily a bad thing), but somehow I don't think my wife will approve. Do I really need INBOXACE?

You had a PM about inbox ace from who?? Never heard of it.
Generally I like it, it's faster and simpler. Just a couple of things:

1. I would like to see the parts open up in a new window, like the last version, it just makes it easier to go back and forth for parts reference.

2. When I logged in I had a new PM, when I checked it I was told to download a new viewer INBOXACE, I downloaded it, it's actually a tool bar and I started getting pop up adds from Asian women wanting to date (not necessarily a bad thing), but somehow I don't think my wife will approve. Do I really need INBOXACE?


#1) Fixed.
#2) Seriously? That's not from us....
mmmm, can't do a screen shot but now the drop down menus are dropping down w/o me clicking on them...manual, classified ad are the most trouble some. When I put the cursor on the title the menu pulls back up.