Hi I just wanted to first say thanks to those that have helped me in getting my GS up and running and I wanted to share some pictures of my GS from when I got it in all of its heavily oxidized, boring beige glory, to now.
A quick run down I what I've done. Rebuilt the carb, replaced some wires, replaced fuel lines, cleaned out the 2 year old fuel along with some other things, added a new seat cover, grab bar, Hydro Turf mats, painted the hood (used Krylon Fusion), went over the ski 3 times with Maguire's Oxidation remover with a heavy cut pad on my DA polisher to get rid of the oxidation, then polished and waxed, added new graphics that were for the GSX, just had the shop alter the graphics to say GS and now its ready for the water.
The first 2 are from when I picked it up. The last 3 are of it now after restoring it.
A quick run down I what I've done. Rebuilt the carb, replaced some wires, replaced fuel lines, cleaned out the 2 year old fuel along with some other things, added a new seat cover, grab bar, Hydro Turf mats, painted the hood (used Krylon Fusion), went over the ski 3 times with Maguire's Oxidation remover with a heavy cut pad on my DA polisher to get rid of the oxidation, then polished and waxed, added new graphics that were for the GSX, just had the shop alter the graphics to say GS and now its ready for the water.
The first 2 are from when I picked it up. The last 3 are of it now after restoring it.