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Disable OTAS ?


Hi All.

I know this isn't the boat section, but my question isn't specifically related to a sport boat.

I have a 2003 Sportster boat. It originally had a 155 non supercharged. I've upgraded the engine to a 260 supercharged, in turn moving from the Siemens ECU to a Bosch ECU.

Everything runs great, and im now just finalising a couple of smaller issues / loose ends. The one im trying to tackle at present is the OTAS system. The OTAS system is useless on the boat, however given the wiring loom / ECU im using is from a 2010 RXT, it has OTAS. Ive just plugged an OTAS sensor in to get rid of the DTC code, but seems like a waste to just have a sensor plugged in doing nothing.

So - Id really like to disable the OTAS system completely. Does anyone know a way of doing this with BUDS?
