Compiling good answers, post links you have found here.


Ok,, we are going to try to put together a good FAQ kind of thing of the common issues with answers that have been given here at the site.

So,, if you have been helped and there was a fantastic easy answer, we want it here. We will be building the rough draft in the background. This post is to help us help you.

If you have something to add, PLEASE give a good heading and then the link, if the link contains many posts, cut and paste the actual text that you found helpful.

I will post an example right after this post...

Thank you for your help...
Fuel Line (Green Goo) issue

And as above, post what you found to be helpful here.

Such as the best solution. In this case, how much line, what size ect ect.

Kevin, this is a great thread, lots of useful information, however it's way too long. It need some editing, also some of the links, especially to pictures are broken.

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What you are experiencing is cavitation. Much like when car spins its tires. Your engine is performing and reaching high REVs, but you r ski/boat does not perform as it should. You need to look at your wear ring. If the gap i from the impeller is larger than the width of a dime, it needs replaced. If the gap is within range, then you need to take a look at the carbon seal. The seal, if it is worn or not adjusted properly, allows for air to be sucked out of the hull of the ski/boat and go directly into your impeller. Once air is at the impeller, you loose performance. So,,, the engine RPM will go high rev but you will go no where fast...

Kevin, there are several good links here, probably one of the best by Dr Honda.

This one is also way long, needs some editing.


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Crankshaft Oil Seal / Engine Locked Up

The seal on your crankshaft has failed and is allowing oil to seep past it filling your cylinders with oil. This is a common failure. Though the seal itself is a cheap item, the repair itself is not. Most install a "Shut-off Valve" on the oil line that feeds the engine. In most cases, if the ski is used once a month other than it smoking more than normal on start up, it is not an issue. If the ski is going to sit for longer times or during storage, shut the vale off. I STRONGLY suggest you hang your lanyard on the valve anytime that you have the valve in the off position. This will remind you that you need to turn the valve on prior to starting your engine.

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