Looking for a little help? I've got a 98 challenger with the 787's. Bought it several months ago. Taken out 6 times.
Yesterday I'm cruising 5500ish and both engines turn off. Radio still plays but no power. I try restart it get nothing. Eventually I get 2 short beeps and 1 long. (if my memory is correct).
I opened the random shut down sticky and I checked just about everything except the neutral switch(how to bypass), Ignition mag( this wouldn't shut down both engines at same time) , Rectifier, stator?
Seems electrical. Any ideas?
Yesterday I'm cruising 5500ish and both engines turn off. Radio still plays but no power. I try restart it get nothing. Eventually I get 2 short beeps and 1 long. (if my memory is correct).
I opened the random shut down sticky and I checked just about everything except the neutral switch(how to bypass), Ignition mag( this wouldn't shut down both engines at same time) , Rectifier, stator?
Seems electrical. Any ideas?