well, i've taken this blankety blankety apart connection by connection, no water in ignition box, no corrosion anyway, the battery is fully charged, I think ? all connections are snug and tight
fuses in ignition box are good don't know what to do next, we were heading 300 miles to lake chelan to party and play tomorrow morning for the weekend but the kids are all frowning.... and Dad "me" is the dumb guy....
my question is :
when checking the solenoid, do you touch a screwdriver to one screw and somehow make contact with the other....what is sposed to happen should it click if contact is made between two, if it does nothing "is that the problem"..
twenty four hours ago it was sitting in the driveway and would at least double beep when key was hooked
does the solenoid have anything to do with the "beep beep" that should take place once the key is on.....
sorry for my whining
thanks for listening.....
fuses in ignition box are good don't know what to do next, we were heading 300 miles to lake chelan to party and play tomorrow morning for the weekend but the kids are all frowning.... and Dad "me" is the dumb guy....
my question is :
when checking the solenoid, do you touch a screwdriver to one screw and somehow make contact with the other....what is sposed to happen should it click if contact is made between two, if it does nothing "is that the problem"..
twenty four hours ago it was sitting in the driveway and would at least double beep when key was hooked
does the solenoid have anything to do with the "beep beep" that should take place once the key is on.....
sorry for my whining
thanks for listening.....