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96 GSX - How do you remove Info Gauge

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New Member
I need to replace the Info Gauge on my 96 GSX but I can't figure out how it is removed? It appears that housing or 'hood' containing the gauges has a bottom panel that forms a seal for the storage compartment.I don't see a way to get that bottom panel off for access to the back of the gauge. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
(sorry...I realized after posting that this is in the wrong forum)
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I haven't look in the manual yet cause I'm kinda in a hurry, but will later. But do you have the inner liner box that just slides out to expose all your gages and stuff?..........that's kinda how mine is set up...but there's a big difference from a PWC and a boat!.........
Thanks for the reply. There is an inner liner that prevents access to the gauges above. It covers the entire underside of the hood. I really don't see any screws keeping it in place. In the center of the liner is the square shaped seal that is used for the storage compartment in the hull. I will attempt to attach a pic of the top and bottom. Thanks for any help.


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I have poured over this manual for the last 30 minutes and I can't see how you are suppose to get to that info gage. There's one comment about accessing the lake temperature sensor by removing the back panel.....but that's as far as it goes.
I see your wires going inside to the two gages, but in the drawings and everything I've read, I don't see any fasterners. I know, that rubber seal, is listed as a neoprene seal and can be replaced.
My guess here is that and this is only if you don't see any other obvious way in, that your seal is your fastner. Where they may be a ridge in the rubber, that puts the two together. That top doesn't look watertight from the drawings, unless where the wires are entering, theres a seal I can't see.
The manual gives all the details in testing the info gage, but not replacing it.
Sorry, unless there is someone out here that has your type ski, I don't know where else to go with it......:confused:
It might be possiable to remove the hinge 10 mm bolts and see if the wires connect through the rear of the guages and pull out the front. Grab the guage and with a spray of silicone spray see if it wiggles out of the gasket, with the wires trailing behind. Be easy so as not to damage anything.
I have just removed the info gauge on my 96 GTX, but looking at the GSX drawing it would appear that there are two screws that hold on the gauge cover, these could be under the sticker, under the rubber seal or if was badly engineered they could be under the hinge which looks to be riveted on.

I plan to repair my gauge with a part off ebay.

Thanks. I'll try the silicone idea. Mattblack59bus, how did you remove your gauge? I don't need to remove the cover, just the gauge. I think we are attempting to do the same fix. I also got a part off ebay. Its to replace the sun-damaged film that covers the display on the infocenter. Thanks.
On the GTX there is a large under cover that can be removed with 6 large screws, the wires into the gauge are fixed in (no connector) so I removed the top cover with the three gauges in it, I had to cut all the zip ties on the wiring harness to undo the connectors near the mpem. It also had connectors into the other gauges and compass under the cover.

Once I had the top cover off and all the wiring loose, the gauge can be pushed out quite easily, but I couldn't remove it from the front.

I'm still waiting for my part to arrive, but as my ski is broke (threw a ring, but still had 120PSI comp) I thought I would make a head start and pull it out.

The drawing for the GSX definitely shows two screws holding the top cover on, I would try and find them and remove the top cover.

I just recently found this forum and have found it quite informative. One of the things I have been looking for is how to remove the Info Gauge. After reading the above posting, I decided to see if I could figure it out. After several mis-steps, I did get the gauge removed. I found it was easier to accomplish if you remove the plastic hood covering the gauges. I have attached photos of the gauges and hood since determining how to remove the hood was another challenge.

Screwdriver RemovingGauge .jpg

GaugePartiallyRemoved .jpg

GaugeRubberBezel .jpg

HoodRemoved .jpg

UndersideOfHood .jpg

From reading some of the postings, it appears there is a fix for the deteriating film on the info gauge. I have checked ebay but have not found anything. Any assistance on where to find the fix and your results would be appreciated.

96 GSX - How to remove Info Gauge

Here is the site for film to repair sun damaged gauges. I ordered mine but have not yet received. Your pictures are most helpful but I have yet to get the cover off. I see where I have to squeeze the tabs in and slide forward but mine will not slide, even with assistance of large mallet. Don't want to destroy it; am I missing something?
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think i spelled name corect,

base of hinge, probably right where your wires
go from "lid" into the hull, there is two small socket screws,
at the top where the "latch" is is the other end,
the inside of the lid is molded very well to the top, probably
hard to notice, not attached though. i believe if you remove these
four screw/bolts the bottom will just lift right off. {need to replace my guage
aswell} and already looked for a way in.
hope the advice helps
michael 96 gsx 7000 rpm's full tank and screamin!!!
{well except for fuel filter keeps clogging on me}
Removing GSX Info Gauge

think i spelled name corect,

base of hinge, probably right where your wires
go from "lid" into the hull, there is two small socket screws,
at the top where the "latch" is is the other end,
the inside of the lid is molded very well to the top, probably
hard to notice, not attached though. i believe if you remove these
four screw/bolts the bottom will just lift right off. {need to replace my guage
aswell} and already looked for a way in.
hope the advice helps
michael 96 gsx 7000 rpm's full tank and screamin!!!
{well except for fuel filter keeps clogging on me}


You might want to review the photos I posted on 6/20/08. I tried what you suggested and found the top and bottom are molded together. However you will see the gauge is actually held in place by a rubber bezel. With a small screw driver you can slip between the gauge and bezel which will allow you to gently pry the gauge from the bezel. In order to completely remove the gauge, you will need to feed the wires through the lid.

I hope this helps.
Finally got the gauge out. Not possible without CanyonLakes pics but still very difficult. Forget all the screws underneath, nothing gets you there. May not have to remove the plastic hood to pry the gauge out the front, but not worth the risk of damaging the gauge face. It really takes 3 hands to get that hood off. But once there the repair goes very well. The kit I got from SeaDooSource said enough polarized film to do 2 gauges; NOT. But the instructions are worthwhile. You have to cut a metal band off to get the front glass off and putting back it says to silicone and let cure. I siliconed and then put black electrical tape around the rim where the band was and did not have to wait. Done and works great.:hurray:

Now I'm waiting for my $90 choke cable I kinked up putting the carbs back on before I can get in the water.:rant:
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