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3d exhaust meltdown

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New Member
Hi guys, I'm new at this forum so any help is greatly appreciated. I was riding my 3d and the engine stalled ( no buzzer or warning light) it started again but only for a few seconds. When i got it home the entire exaust was melted. I think i found the reason, the seal that goes from the hull to the jet pump assy had shrunk (the water intake from behind the impellor),am i right? Instead of a new exaust I put a staight through pipe from the muffler to the outlet. It is now harder to start but goes great, am i going to cause any damage by this modification? Thanks heaps. Rick
I have attempted to upload the pics, hope it woks. Thanks for the reply, i wasn't sure if the hard starting was from water in the muffler but it definately makes sense.All i am concerned with is damage to the engine.


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4th season , 4th exaust , seadoo should have recalled.

i have had to repair my 3d 4 times now because of the exaust.first time i just
replaced the pipe behind the head pipe next time it was the pipe in the back.
lSast year i removed all the the exaust and the muffler and used the supplied hoses and cut them to the angles that i needed and used pvc pipe.
i worked for a whole season.i put it over the other night and bingo,i'm
a mile out and she did it again. will that aluminum pipe get tooo hot?
it started to melt the styro in the back! seadoo calls it their dry exaust.
is this a dry mistake.i have no problems out of my gti.the 3d is a bad ass
ski and i get lots of people that like it , i tell them if you cant work on it
dont even think about it. I returned the ski after i had the first problem with
the exaust to (petes cycle ) and they told me to stop jumping it.
and the skis exaust is not under warranty.they basically told me to pound sand.I PAID FOR THIS SKI ON THE SHOWROOM FLOOR IN CASH,and this is
the kind of service you get.I should have bought the 800r kawi.:(
Hey signguy, I know how you feel, mine broke the engine mounts tailshaft, housing etc under wty while being used in the lake and they said.....too bad engine mounts r not under wty!!!! The owners manual does not say this. After heaps of unanswered correspondance they finally supplied the parts. When mine stopped i had no warning, the book says it should beep continuously with an over heat. I was also told not to jump it, while my mate on a 99 gp1200 launches his ski with no ill effects!
2 weeks ago I was away skiing on a Loch in Scotland and came across a 3D 800cc motor that had blown its rubber exhaust coupler to bits and melted the plastic coupler rear of the ski. It could be the result of lack of coolant water entering the pipe. The Loch we were on is full of weeds and plant just below the surface.easy to pick up.
Always check your tell tails for water flowing through your ski's.
This is why the parts fail and not under warranty.
I am thoroughly impressed with the tig welding on that pipe. Did you do that yourself?:hurray::hurray::hurray:
Ok, in reply to d5upe; the reson for the meltdown was the seal that connects the water inake hose to the pick up behind the impellor had shrunk thus allowing air to be sucked in not water, nothing was loose,no weeds, no sand, it just didn't seal. The warranty nock back was the broken engine mounts and the resulting damage ( the ski was being used on a lake!) seadoo wouldn't even talk to me, they just told the service agent....warranty declined... so eventually after heaps of letters, emails and phone calls they got sick of me and supplied the parts free. Nothing in the warranty says that engine mounts are a consumable or are not covered. After that lack of service i could't honestly recommend them.
in reply to scooper, no i didn't do the job, Extreme turbo manifolds in Wollongong did the job. P.S. put some paint on the torana and the we can go for a cruise with two of them, see ya.
Never heard of a Torana, but having the world wide web at my fingertips...there is some resemblance to the Maverick:cheers:
2002 GTX melt down

I enjoyed reading this thread, because the same thing happened to me this weekend. My daughter was idling along and the sea doo just quit. She tried to restart it but it wouldn't restart and she eventually ran the battery down.
When I got it home I recharged the battery and started it to find out that the exhaust was coming out the engine compartment. I shut it off and waited for the smoke to clear and found out that the resonator tube flanges had melted and the hoses were coming off. what do I do now??
Hi cbrodrick

First you need to check there are no blockages in the cooling pipe ( it picks up behind the impellor, 3 or 4 small holes) remove that hose and blow through it. If it's clear remove the whole rear jet assy ( remove the steering linkage then the 4 large nuts, if it's like mine) there is a seal on the rear of the ski, that is the one i replaced. It was gonna cost about $1000 for the hoses and coupling alone so i got a custom exhaust made for $200. It is louder...and faster, but it is harder to start in the water(water backing up the muffler) and i was warned the loss in back pressure could cause engine damage. I don't believe that and so far so good, see how you go.
heres the fix!!!!!!!

t:cheers:ake off the head pipe,its a tight squeeze but the pipe will come out without
removing the engine.take the hoses off the bottom of the pipe.and inspect the three yes i said three 1/8" holes that inject water into the rear exaust
mine were clogged up and i throughly cleaned the system before winterizing.
corrosion will clog up the 1/8" holes.drill out the pipe with a 3/16"or a little larger and reassemble. worked like a charm!!!!!!
t:cheers:ake off the head pipe,its a tight squeeze but the pipe will come out without
removing the engine.take the hoses off the bottom of the pipe.and inspect the three yes i said three 1/8" holes that inject water into the rear exaust
mine were clogged up and i throughly cleaned the system before winterizing.
corrosion will clog up the 1/8" holes.drill out the pipe with a 3/16"or a little larger and reassemble. worked like a charm!!!!!!

Signguy - so you drilled the holes larger and attached larger tubes? never looked down there so not sure what ur talkign about, but am interested in doing this. Mine is fine so far, but sounds like it would be a good preventitive maitenance idea.
t:cheers:ake off the head pipe,its a tight squeeze but the pipe will come out without
removing the engine.take the hoses off the bottom of the pipe.and inspect the three yes i said three 1/8" holes that inject water into the rear exaust
mine were clogged up and i throughly cleaned the system before winterizing.
corrosion will clog up the 1/8" holes.drill out the pipe with a 3/16"or a little larger and reassemble. worked like a charm!!!!!!

dupe had exact same problem as your mate in scottish lake i've got new couplers on order 1 was melted into a ball stuck in exhaust is there anything else i should check before reassemble and taking the ski back on water


you mention head pipe can't find in service book also mention about sucking air instead of water is there any other inlet pipes i should check for blockages on my 3d i'd like to cover ever angle before taking back out

i'm a total newbie so bare with me

thanks in advance
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So its the plastic couplers that are melting in the rear compartment that everyone is talking about. The 947cc 3d has a different set up I think than the 800cc rfi. The only difference I can see is in the muffler shape.

Could it be periodic checks not being done on jubilee clips (uk)
TridonClamps (US) Regular tightning of clamps is a must as with any regular maintenance inspection.
I found theres always a little tightning to do on these when Ive opened the rear hatch for charging battery and greasing shaft bearing.
dupe had exact same problem as your mate in scottish lake i've got new couplers on order 1 was melted into a ball stuck in exhaust is there anything else i should check before reassemble and taking the ski back on water

Was this with the 3D premium or 3D dI?

I would like to compare both carb 800cc to injection 947cc.
If its the 800cc premium thats having melt downs and not the 947 then we might get somewhere with whats happening.
I would like to compare both carb 800cc to injection 947cc.
If its the 800cc premium thats having melt downs and not the 947 then we might get somewhere with whats happening.

my ski is 800cc premium 2005 red ,

do you think there is blockage and that's why the exhasut couple melted
the plastic couple melted into itself was stuck in the exhaust tubing
intially i thooght the tubing had split until futher exploration i found the plastic couple inside one of the exhaustg tubes
The couplers on my 3Ddi are infact alloy.
Just looked at them while charging the battery.
So if ordering new couplers for your 3D, why not get the alloy 3Ddi couplers.Assuming the rubber pipe diameters are the same.

Can anyone get the inside diameters on the Premiums pipework.
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