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06 sportster 215 scic won't start!

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New Member
Hi- I'm new to this forum and have a boat that I just purchased 2 weeks ago from another individual. Everything was going fine after a short run when I was getting low on gas and the engine just stopped. I initially thought that I had run out. No warning lights had gone off...no beeps either. Got the boat back to the dock, put more gas in and the boat won't even turn over. Just a click click sound. Recharged battery...same result. All accessories work (lights, bilge, etc). Noticed coolant had gotten really low. Put more in....it took the whole 3.8 liters in the jug and the fill tank still did not have any coolant in it. The D.E.S.S code is a 4 beeps every 4-5 seconds. The shifter is in Neutral....doesn't matter. If anyone can offer any suggestions on what to try next I would really appreciate it!! Thank you.
Welcome to the seadoo forum dbr123. The DESS will beep every 4 seconds to remind you it isn't running. You need 2 beeps to start. The anti freeze shouldn't be that low. The total capacity is real close to that amount. I would get the boat on the trailer and look at the cooling exchanger in the ride plate. look for any leaks of coolant. I would also check the engine oil to see if it looks milky. The coolant went somewhere. It is possible that the old owner disabled the temp sensor and it over heated. Also when it stalled did you tow it under 15 mph? if you tow it over 15mph, without pinching the water feed to the exhaust, it forces water into the exhaust and floods the engine.
Give the engine a good look over and re-post back.

I only have an older 2 stroke one, but I do have a little experience with water in a motor. My daughter decided to hook a water hose to our 4-wheeler exhaust, and fill the motor with water.

All it would do is click.

I suggest you pull the spark plugs, and then turn it over, and see if water comes gushing out. And the low coolant is a bad thing. These motors are NOT designed to run out of coolant.

That's all I'm an gonna say, as I am just guessing.

Could be a starter as well my 96 challenger would turn over with no plugs but not with the plugs in after putting the wires on a meter it was low on voltage.
Thank you for the suggestions. It turned out the engine was locked up and I took it to a dealer. Apparently the 1st cylinder had a major failure and had hydro lock. it blew the piston right up into the bottom of the spark plug?? I am told it needs a new engine(big $$$). The boat has only 52 hrs on it! According to the computer print out of the last minute of operation the catastrophic event was sudden with no warnings. The dealer said that it was either from a blown gasket or caused by water getting in the engine at a previous time ( flooding of bay, water up exhaust, etc) that had resulted in it getting a bent rod at an earlier time. The dealer called Sea Doo and they said that they thought it was caused by owner error, it was out warranty so tough luck. This boat had never been flooded or had water get into the cylinders. What do I do? I can not believe Sea Doo would not stand behind their product.
Thank you for the suggestions. It turned out the engine was locked up and I took it to a dealer. Apparently the 1st cylinder had a major failure and had hydro lock. it blew the piston right up into the bottom of the spark plug?? I am told it needs a new engine(big $$$). The boat has only 52 hrs on it! According to the computer print out of the last minute of operation the catastrophic event was sudden with no warnings. The dealer said that it was either from a blown gasket or caused by water getting in the engine at a previous time ( flooding of bay, water up exhaust, etc) that had resulted in it getting a bent rod at an earlier time. The dealer called Sea Doo and they said that they thought it was caused by owner error, it was out warranty so tough luck. This boat had never been flooded or had water get into the cylinders. What do I do? I can not believe Sea Doo would not stand behind their product.
I would get a lawyer, but if it comes down to you having to buy a motor i think this is a good deal http://www.sbtontheweb.com/Merchant...40-113&Category_Code=40-1&Product_Count=11put that motor in then sell it.... Also how would it hit the bottom of the spark plug if it has a bent rod??? did you pull the head???...
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Thank you for the suggestions. It turned out the engine was locked up and I took it to a dealer. Apparently the 1st cylinder had a major failure and had hydro lock. it blew the piston right up into the bottom of the spark plug?? I am told it needs a new engine(big $$$). The boat has only 52 hrs on it! According to the computer print out of the last minute of operation the catastrophic event was sudden with no warnings. The dealer said that it was either from a blown gasket or caused by water getting in the engine at a previous time ( flooding of bay, water up exhaust, etc) that had resulted in it getting a bent rod at an earlier time. The dealer called Sea Doo and they said that they thought it was caused by owner error, it was out warranty so tough luck. This boat had never been flooded or had water get into the cylinders. What do I do? I can not believe Sea Doo would not stand behind their product.

If the warranty was still in tact, I don't believe that it is transferable. Chances it is only a 1 year warranty unless you have documentation to back it up. That's why there is a time limit on warranties. 1 year is 1 year... The extended warrenty could have cost as much as $1500.00 to have. I betcha ya more than the engine damage to repair and a chance you might never have needed it. Extended warranties are a gamble.

All I'm gonna say is "CONDOLENCES!" When you blow a motor, that costs 2500 for a short block, you hafta do some sort of funeral for it!

My 1998 GS costed me my old 1998 Polaris 4-wheeler. That is, I traded for it.

And so, I have about 2200 in my 1998 GS. Less than the cost of your motor.

I somehow thing this leads some to stay with the 2-strokers.

Sorry about your loss.

I bet you could do a rebuild over the winter yourself, with all new parts and save a bundle. Being as seadoo wouldn't stand beind their product.

Anyone ever have any success at getting Sea Doo to do something about an engine failure even though it is out of warranty? They cannot think that a catostrophic failure at 52 hrs on '06 is the way their product is supposed to work. The dealer is telling me it is going to cost $6,000-7,000 to get it fixed.....ugh
Anyone ever have any success at getting Sea Doo to do something about an engine failure even though it is out of warranty? They cannot think that a catostrophic failure at 52 hrs on '06 is the way their product is supposed to work. The dealer is telling me it is going to cost $6,000-7,000 to get it fixed.....ugh

6 or 7 grand use the site i gave you..... rebuilt or they have all the part you need to fix it. i would pull the head and see how bad it is first.....
You are unlikely to get anything from seadoo since it is out of warranty and you bought it from somebody else (non-dealer). Was this person you bought it from a friend? If so get them to help you rebuild the engine yourselves, you can even use their garage ;)

If it wasn't a friend, it is possible that it was damaged before and the owner didn't tell you about it...

It sounds like either the exchanger leaked all the coolant into the lake, or the head gasket went (coolant would then leak into the oil or into the cylinders and would have burned, with visibly VERY white exhaust smoke.
If either thing happened, it would have overheated before dying... Try to get a look at it yourself, or with a friend who knows engines.
Or find a competent boat mechanic in the area who isn't the seadoo dealer to see what they say.
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