Hi- I'm new to this forum and have a boat that I just purchased 2 weeks ago from another individual. Everything was going fine after a short run when I was getting low on gas and the engine just stopped. I initially thought that I had run out. No warning lights had gone off...no beeps either. Got the boat back to the dock, put more gas in and the boat won't even turn over. Just a click click sound. Recharged battery...same result. All accessories work (lights, bilge, etc). Noticed coolant had gotten really low. Put more in....it took the whole 3.8 liters in the jug and the fill tank still did not have any coolant in it. The D.E.S.S code is a 4 beeps every 4-5 seconds. The shifter is in Neutral....doesn't matter. If anyone can offer any suggestions on what to try next I would really appreciate it!! Thank you.