06 RXP no start ECM issue ?

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Something is wrong then. Pretty hard to get 0 compression unless there is something way off. Did you vacuum test the head?
no i assumed it was good as advertised when i purchased it - hopefully i have timing off but lines were even with head - im heading to shop to start pulling
Lines even with head means nothing, as long as the crank and cam is locked in the proper position with the chain tensioner in place, the timing will be perfect.
everything lined up properly - valves look to be seating - time to pull head
can i reuse head bolts ? engine hasnt started since installed or are they a one time only
looking at my pto cover there are wires coming from about 7 oclock position and 12 oclock - 7 oclock are smaller wires i asume are position sensor and top are 3 yellow wires - is this the upgraded cover for 06 + cranks ? i cant find info anywhere that is definite
What you are looking for is the crank sensor pickup wires. The wires look like a small black tube because they are in insulation tube.
If the crank sensor is at 7 o'clock then you have the newer crank.
so i am good there just need to find out why i have such crappy compression - ordered leak down tester and will update once i perform test
Ok so the block and crank are from the same 07 RXP
If you look at Engine Sn on front of engine it also gives you year of manufacture
What year is the head and was it complete with cam and rocker shaft
Okay, so everything parts wise should be good but doesn't explain the 0 compression. What I would do first is double check timing by taking off intake manifold and looking down crank lock down hole until you see the lock down hole, then make sure the cam locking tool fits completely into its hole verifying that the timing is correct.
have done that and as i turn engine over when # 3 hits tdc i can see hole in crank and cam slot for locking tools - hopefully leak down test will reveal whats going on
0 compression usually means a valve is quite a bit open. You can pull the head and spray carb cleaner into each of the valves to make sure they are sealed. Even if they seep a little and drip they usually are fine. That at a minimum or a vacuum test should be performed before any head is installed.
well leak down test i could here air but not sure from where so i pulled rocker shaft to be sure it wasnt timing issue and still leaks down 85 % can here air in crankcase - coming up timing chain area - guess it needs rings
Just bad rings won't give a 0 compression reading unless part of the piston is missing or has a hole in it or major stuck rings. I take it you didn't put this motor together.
purchased and is supposed to have 80 hours - looks nice and clean - could head gasket cause an issue ? no air getting into cooling system as far as i can see - ill pull head and investigate more
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