Hello my friends I need a little guidence here. I have a 2000 XP seadoo with a 951 and we had it out on the beach weekend running great then it all of sudden just died. No power no lights No beeps nothing. I have a new battery in it plenty of juice I had the key reprogrammed about a month ago lost the old one I check all of the fuses and I had one third from the top blown so i replace the 7.5 fuse with another and nothing. I jumped the relay and it turns over great so I thought it was the relay agian So I replaced the relay last night and nothing again not even one beep tried starting 5 times with out the key nothing I can jump the relay and it turns over tonight I will use an eraser on the metal DESS and see if that is the issue but i dont think so because it is a new key Any suggestion? Also I need to flush it since I had it in salt water how can I do that with out starting the engine? Or can I jump the relay and start it that way I am just scared to start it that way. Please send me advice I have checked all the cables nice and tight and secure all the fuses seem ok I am sinking in no fun land now HELP
Steve :hat:
Steve :hat: