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I think I totaled my 99 GTI 717

I was riding on choppy waters and I went over a big wave. When I landed it sounded like I hit something hard in the water. The ski, instantly felt horrible so I quickly scurried my way back to the launch. I pull the seat off and see the muffler looking thing right next to the engine was spitting water. After I get home to inspect the damage, i find that all four engine mounts bolts are broken and the muffler thing bolts are also broken. The ski now refuse to start and the engine is spinning way easier then before, like there's no compression. Same spin like when you take the spark plugs off to spin the engine. Im going to do a compression test but from the sounds of it, does it sound like I totaled my ski?
Sounds like you really did her bad there. When you say the engine mounts are broken is it the metal plate or the mounts into the ski.
Sounds like you really did her bad there. When you say the engine mounts are broken is it the metal plate or the mounts into the ski.
Hi, the physical four bolts that holds the engine down, All four snapped. The stomach wrenching thought is that I rode about half a mile in rough waters with the engine bouncing around in the hull, unsecured, to get back to the launch. She got me back safe and after I cut the engine, that was it. I tried spraying starter fluid in the air box to see if she'd start and I got nothing.

Next step is to see if I have compression and spark but the way the engine is spinning so freely, feels like I blew a seal somewhere in the engine, but I'm not familiar with the make up of the internals for this engine so I'm only guessing.
Id definitely check the compression. Not sure how it would run all the way back to eh launch if you now can spin it so freely.
Compression 130, I have spark, air is a given and starter fluid should compensate as the fuel so why is she not giving any signs of wanting to turn over? Also, it was not the bolts holding the engine down that busted, it was all four motor mounts. The rubbers sheered right off of the base.

The muffler is off and two of the bolts are broken inside of the manifold. I'll try a screw extractor and if the don't work, I'll just get a new manifold.
I'm trying to keep the cost down to repair this. I'm seeing motor mounts on ebay for $14 used and $60 for no name brands. both seems to a toss up to me in reliability.
I was riding on choppy waters and I went over a big wave. When I landed it sounded like I hit something hard in the water. The ski, instantly felt horrible so I quickly scurried my way back to the launch. I pull the seat off and see the muffler looking thing right next to the engine was spitting water. After I get home to inspect the damage, i find that all four engine mounts bolts are broken and the muffler thing bolts are also broken. The ski now refuse to start and the engine is spinning way easier then before, like there's no compression. Same spin like when you take the spark plugs off to spin the engine. Im going to do a compression test but from the sounds of it, does it sound like I totaled my ski?
When your looking at it, have a look at your driveshaft splines, wear ring and carbon seal if it has one. With those mounts coming loose I would be worried about those things as well. Might be a good idea to align it also, or maybe not?
So for kicks and giggles, I try to start her with the muffler off and she starts on her own with no starter fluid, chock or anything... What am I missing?

At least I can say, I don't think I totaled my ski. hurray!!!
When your looking at it, have a look at your driveshaft splines, wear ring and carbon seal if it has one. With those mounts coming loose I would be worried about those things as well. Might be a good idea to align it also, or maybe not?
Great, thanks. Will do, I feel that's a good idea to check everything as well.
I was thinking, when I took my seat off, water was coming out of the joint that connects the exhaust and manifold. could the water have gone in a chamber after the muffler that's keeping the engine from exhausting and that's why it's not starting at all. When I used to forget to pull my two stroke exhaust plug, the engine would just spin and not fire up at all.
I was thinking, when I took my seat off, water was coming out of the joint that connects the exhaust and manifold. could the water have gone in a chamber after the muffler that's keeping the engine from exhausting and that's why it's not starting at all. When I used to forget to pull my two stroke exhaust plug, the engine would just spin and not fire up at all.
I’m not 100 percent sure, but maybe emptying the water box of water may help? If not you could check the big rubber exhaust pipe after the water box, I’ve heard a few times that they can collapse on the inside from delamination