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Dang, My "96" XP needs a Rebuild?


New Member
Dang, I am such an idiot. I did not fog my "96" before putting her up for the winter a few years ago. Life got in the way and did not use my XP the last three years. When I did my normal routine to get her ready for riding this summer, she sounded horrible. I took her to a shop and they are telling me I need a full engine rebuild, Could be close to $2500 to fix.
I am not good with engines so I'm relying on some of your input. It would be greatly appreciated.
Yes I agree with mikidymac, this sounds very familiar to the 95XP I purchased. Seller told me that he had it to a mechanic and that it was blown up. When I got there the seller asked if I wanted to hear it run? Mmmm, ooook. Was just fuel issue. I would try and learn a little bit about it yourself, at a minimum do a compression check. Although oil spray is very good for them for long term storage, I would highly doubt forgetting to fog it would cause severe engine damage. Very first thing to do would be to take the spark plugs out, ground the plug wires to the grounding posts and roll over the engine with the start button to see if any oil comes out the spark plug holes. Maybe the mechanic has mistaken it hydrolocking on oil as being seized
My 98 sat for nine years with no winterization. Went through her and lubed everything before I fired her up, for me it worked out well as far as the engine, I had a few things to fix still...dang Rat. If it is the rattling you are referring too, mine rattles like crazy until she is under way... I would second what Burt said but I would add a some fogger or 2 cycle oil to make sure the cylinder walls were lubed well. turn it over a few times to remove any excessive oil out the spark plug hole (if any) and then put spark plugs back in, crank it up and run it a few times (short 10 15 secs burst) to get excess lube burned out (it will smoke like crazy) , after it has stopped smoking and is back to normal smoke output , do a compression test to see if she is solid.
I love this forum! Thanks for your feedback ... I am no mechanic but this is what I got from the shop as I just got off the phone with him.

He said the rings were seized up. Then he had to put a new starter in it. He got them to break lose but it wouldn’t turn over. The pistons don't want to rebound and he didn’t want to force it. He said there is too much pressure which is a bad thing.

At minimum he thinks it needs a full top end rebuild.

Most of this is his words.
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It may already be to late but sounds odd to me, rings were seized and the starter didn’t work and the pistons didn’t want to rebound? I’m not saying they are, or are not intentionally being dishonest. I actually believe they may well be, being honest but in my limited experience experience with auto mechanics and these 2 stroke seadoo’s, they don’t seem to know there way around them. If you had the machine at home people here could guide you through some very simple Steps to determine your problem if any. From what I’m reading I would say you may well have had it hydro lock on oil, bad starter, stuck rings which could also be a mis diagnosis of hydro locking and pistons not rebounding which I have never heard of, again sounds as if it could be hydro locking. I would get the machine home. At least until you have it diagnosed which should be rather simple for you to do with a little help
Thank you Burt. I am not accusing the shop of any wrongdoing. They have actually been quite honest with me on other toys I have brought there. That being said, I pulled my PWC from the shop as something didn't seem right.
Now I am currently in on business. I'll look more into it when I get back.
Something easy to do is take off the cylinder head and take a look at the pistons and the walls. Send us a pic, we may be able to help. If it is /was binding you should see why. Just make sure you look at the parts manual(free online) and get the parts required to put it back together... gaskets, o-rings, lube. Do you know if the mechanic did that?
Before doing anything pull the gray plastic rear flywheel cover, it’s held on by two plastic wing nuts. Remove both spark plugs and see if you can turn the flywheel a full 360 degrees by hand.
Report back and we will go from there.
Something easy to do is take off the cylinder head and take a look at the pistons and the walls. Send us a pic, we may be able to help. If it is /was binding you should see why. Just make sure you look at the parts manual(free online) and get the parts required to put it back together... gaskets, o-rings, lube. Do you know if the mechanic did that?
Hi Grim, no I don't believe they did that. Didn't want them racking the bill up too much
Before doing anything pull the gray plastic rear flywheel cover, it’s held on by two plastic wing nuts. Remove both spark plugs and see if you can turn the flywheel a full 360 degrees by hand.
Report back and we will go from there.
Will do... I'll be back with the ski sometime around 4/4... Thanks again Gents! BTW, I am not great at mechanics. Yes, I can change oil, no, I can't rebuild an engine. LOL
If the crank is rusted then I would rebuild the entire engine. $1200 or so in parts/cylinder machining plus labor if you dont do it yourself. You'll want to rebuild the CB and RV shaft while you have it apart. I would say avoid SBT after the last 787 I ordered arrived damaged and they just painted over the crack. Tried to make me pay all the shipping too! Another option, I've got a spare 787 for my XP that I would possibly sell if you dont rebuild yours (best option). I can install it for a fee as well since you are local.
If the crank is rusted then I would rebuild the entire engine. $1200 or so in parts/cylinder machining plus labor if you dont do it yourself. You'll want to rebuild the CB and RV shaft while you have it apart. I would say avoid SBT after the last 787 I ordered arrived damaged and they just painted over the crack. Tried to make me pay all the shipping too! Another option, I've got a spare 787 for my XP that I would possibly sell if you dont rebuild yours (best option). I can install it for a fee as well since you are local.
Thanks for your lead with Brian, I will be dropping her off on 4/7 just to see what the issues is. I have another very friendly person in VA willing to work on it as well. He is curious of the issue and has 2 or 3 XP's that he is in the process of restoring.