XP Backfire, ideas?

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New Member
Hello, I recently tried to inspect my VTS switch, and removed the housing. Once I got the housing off, I removed the switches. With the key in, I attempted to press the VTS buttons to see if it moved. When I did, I accidentally hit the start button. I just hit the button just for a split second, but when I did it let out a rather loud backfire. Didn't start, just POW! I put everything back into place, and covered the ski (I had to go out of town that day). To be honest, I am a little scared to try and start the thing again, not wanting to backfire again and cause damage. Any ideas? I do not know if it backfired out the tail or the intake.
Trouble shoot....

Well, you can't be scared. You got to find out why. The only real damage that can occur is normally, gaskets......between the cooling and exhaust sides.
You don't say a lot about what led up to the problem, outside of the work you were doing on the VTS, so, I'm wondering if it were just a bit of fuel and vapor that built up in the crank when you accidentilly bumped it over.
If you want to be on the safe side, pull the plugs (ground the wires) and roll the engine over several times to make sure you don't have any unburned fuel in the cylinders. Which, would also be a great time to do compression test. Then, put them back on and give it a whirl.....without water hooked up. If it starts, let it run for 20 or 30 seconds. If alls o.k., then shut it back down. You can run for short periods without the water hooked up. But if you hear the constant beep, which is the overheating alarm, shut her down!....
Let us know how you come out!
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