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No spark 1995 seadoo xp


I have 1995 seadoo xp it ran amazing till it didnt. I was in the water with my buddy he was riding the seadoo because it was the better running of the two. he hit the throttle and then it died. Got home figured out it lost spark. It did get spark again once after pulling the plugs and testing it out them back in and it ran for 5 seconds and shut off with no spark again .I replaced the ignition coil still nothing. Disconnect the lanyard switch and connected the wires together still no spark. About 3 weeks before this I went out and a fuse blew and it had nothing when I hit the start button Replaced it on the water and had no issues up. Took it out a week later ran all day with a passenger ran amazing. This past week I took it out and it ran good for about 3 and a half hours till it lost spark. Not sure what to do from here. Also when I got the ski the vts was fried so maybe that affected the mpem and now it finally gave out?
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obviously check ever connection,could be lose one somewhere
Check the trigger pickup
Check the front plug to the stator/trigger pickup.,, use a mirror, you may have a corroded pin.