WOW!!! What a difference!

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freebie fixer
Premium Member
Took the ski out today for first time after the new wear ring...

It literally jumps OUT of the water when I hit it:hurray: My wife was on shore watching and said that it comes out about 8-12" when I hit it from idle. I can hear it sucking air immediately after I gun it.

Also, it goes so much faster. It goes as fast as it did before when I am at 1/3 throttle. In fact, the speedometer never worked because the little paddle wheel is broken, but it goes so fast now that it registers 25-30mph now:D

Next thing will be to pull a surfboard and then invest in a wake board...
Took the ski out today for first time after the new wear ring...

It literally jumps OUT of the water when I hit it:hurray: My wife was on shore watching and said that it comes out about 8-12" when I hit it from idle. I can hear it sucking air immediately after I gun it.

Also, it goes so much faster. It goes as fast as it did before when I am at 1/3 throttle. In fact, the speedometer never worked because the little paddle wheel is broken, but it goes so fast now that it registers 25-30mph now:D

Next thing will be to pull a surfboard and then invest in a wake board...
do you think you will be able to talk your wife into the surfboard idea after seeing that bad boy go?? I wish my wife had that much spunk.
What engine do you have? 657, 657X or 717? My engine arrived yesterday with everything exc the wear ring. I am hoping this rebuild will be worth it when it runs!:)
Dont forget to buy a tube... they're much easier to sucker the wives into riding... then grab you a fist full of revenge..grrr... throttle :reddevil:
Engine is 787, supposed to have 110 HP, and it feels like it when put on a 400 lb jet ski!!!

Actually, after seeing how much faster it takes off and maneuvers, she is much more receptive to the IDEA of getting on with me. It used to bog down on turns and wouldn't come out of the hole due to cavitation, and when the waves would come around and hit me, those are the times when it would tip over and dump me, so now that it turns and pops right back out of the hole, she is thinking it won't tip over as easily.

We are going on a road trip tomorrow, and maybe again later this week, to find a snake-, shark-, and alligator-free smooth body of water to ski on. She promises to get on if I let her sit in front while I drive. Then I will get her comfortable enough to drive, and eventually, pull me up on a surfboard or wakeboard.

Until then, my dad loves driving it so we can pull each other around on the board.

In case you all haven't noticed...I feel like I got a BRAND NEW TOY!!!
Well done!....

Great job Scott......seems like your very happy with the results of your hard work. Glad it runs like a champ for you!...........and your right, that 110hp in a small watercraft, will be a lot to hang onto!........
Did you use the alignment tool for shaft? SBT says they will sell the alignment tool to me for $75, but I have to return it. (As opposed to buying it for $150) :ack:
Don't know what that is... NO, I guess I didn't use it. If you are referring to the tool to remove the impeller, I just put vice grips on the shaft and heated the impeller up with a propane torch to burn off the lock-tite.
Ya putting a new wear ring when yours is bad its a big change.. Thanks to karl and snipe, I changed mines and its a big change of speed.:hurray:
That does give a great amount of thrust back when you change out the wear ring. Great job Scott.:)

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