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Winterizing in South

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New Member
I am not sure if this is the correct forum, but I will post here for now.I need to let you know that I have a '96 SPI & '96 SPX. I am needing to winterize here in Texas, but am disabled @ this point in time.

I would be capable of adding the anti-freeze to the ( coolant ) portion of the ski. I have a manual that shows how to do that. I am unable @ this time to replace the batteries due to not being able to lift or struggle because of a back injury. Do you think the skis will be ok to just add stabil to gas ; added the anti-freeze and say a small prayer that all will be alright. I am wanting to winterize the way the book explains, but physically can not do that and I am worried about freezing problems. Thanks

PS - Reason also for question about batteries they are both dead. I can not replace/ repair as to be able to crank ski and I am worried about getting Lube & stabil to fuel rail,etc.
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Just a minor comment on the batt.

The sea doo will continue to drain the battery as long as it is hooked up, due to the way the computer works. It is a minor amount, but over several months it makes a difference. So, in the least, disconnect the battery cables, so that corrosion won't occur, and it won't drain the battery flat.
Otherwise, you could be looking at a new battery in the spring.

As for the freezing, excuse my ignorance but I didnt think it got that cold down there to be worried about freezing?
ha cold

you tell him up here its so cold its easier to pull the motor and sit it behind the couch:reddevil:
If you can start the doo on a fairly regular basis then I would not worry about it. Winterizating a doo doesn't only prevent damage from freezing but also prevents damage from being stored for a long period of time such as corosion. If you can start it every few weeks then you should be fine! I would still add fuel stabilizer though.

Light bulb....

If you freeze like we do here in Alabama, it's only a few times a year and not very lasting.

I'd do what Nate recommended, disconnect the battery. If you can get a friend to carry it into the garage, that would be best.

In your situation, I'd have a light bulb to hand into the engine compartment and cover the ski with a plastic sheet or blanket of some sort, only during the times it's going to be below 32* F for over 6 hours.

You probably don't need to worry with anti-freeze. If you can not start it, you do need to take out the plugs and squirt some lithium spray grease into the pistons through the spark plugs. If you can, after spraying through the spark plug holes, try and get some into the throat of the carbs while turning the motor over, spark plug wires and flame arrestor removed. If you can't, at least try to get lubricant into the pistons. Fuel: if you can, put stabilizer into the gas tank and run it. If you can't, shut off the fuel and run it out of gas.

That should take care of it........:cheers:
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