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Which Line to pinch off ?

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New Member
I've been told when towing a jetski, mine is a 97 XP, that you are to pinch off a water line. My question is which one.... the one leading in to the front of the head or the one on the back ?
The one going from the top and back part of the head toward the jet pump area. If you have the in-line T for hooking up the water hose, pinch it behind that T.
Thanks Scooper...
I normally don't run into this problem where it won't restart but when I let someone else ride it they occasionally do. I'll stick a clamp under the "hood" and brief other riders.
On the 97 xp, if you look into the rear hatch opening you will see the water flow adjuster. It has a red cap and looks just like the adjusters on the RAVEs. There is a small line coming from the adjuster that T's into a larger hose. Pinch the hose just behind (rear) of the T. I have attached a picture.


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I hope you guys aren't telling me I have been pinching the wrong hose all these years?

Do you pinch the same one that you pinch when running on the hose? Or is it the top for running on hose and bottom one for towing?
Just looked it up and YOU GUYS are RIGHT! Pinch the top hose behind the T for flushing, and the bottom hose behind the T for towing.

Luckily, the only time I was ever towed was because of a thrown rod. So no damage done.
where can I buy one of the clamps at ? A nice thing about the newer seadoos is that there is a red piece of tape on the hose that you are to pich off if in tow.
Why is this necessary? I have an 89 SP, should I be doing this as well?

go to sears and buy a small vice grip and keep a rag with ya and the vice grip put the rag around the hose so it doesnt get chewed up by the vice grip... thats how i flush mine out too
I use vice grips too (I don't worry about the rag, and just replace the hose when it gets chewed up). I also have a ball-valve in-line in my boat on the block-to-tow hose so I can just crank it closed if I need a tow (actually the correct hose on the boat).

If you do not pinch it, and you get towed over about 5-8 mph, it will basically suck water into the cooling system and fill your engine up from the back forward.

Your other option is to just tell the guy pulling you to keep it REALLY slow so it wont suck up the water.

But you still need that vice grip to pinch it off for flushing it on the hose, so you may as well buy a set and keep it in the ski or boat.
Thanks guys, im an idiot. I was thinking towing and is in like towing on a trailer to the lake.

Not towing being pulled behind a boat. Thankfully that hasnt happened to me..............................yet
Heh, i'm glad the other day i got towed in the ski kept going sideways and we had to go slow. It did suck up some water, and now i know that the exhaust pipe leaks :O

these skiis are fun but there are so many things you have to worry about. its like deciphering a bill of law
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