what type of water do you like?

I do most of my riding with one of kids on the seat behind me so i tend to like the flat water so as to reduce the risk of tossing them off. When by myself my GS likes to use any sort of a wake as a ramp which is fun by myself but also tends to wear me out after a bit. i ride pretty much in lake erie/ presque isle bay and dont see myself ever riding this ski in an ocean as the waves would kill me. So i'm curious as to what do you guys like to ride on?
Like you, it depends on who is on my ski with me or on my other ski. My skis are both large enough that they can handle pretty much anything. I personally LOVE rough weather type water. But it is nice to have smooth water to go on a cruise.
Bad question since there are too many factors.

If I'm going on a 40 mi ride... I want it flat, so I dont' get beat up. If I'm playing... I just want wakes from a big boat.
So is it fair to say that the bigger hulls handle the waves and wakes better? Ive been on some of the bigger skis but only in flat water on a private lake so i dont have a good basis for comparison
Yes in that you don't get tossed around as much. But light skis can be more agile and what not. I'll take my big heavy ski with 255 hp any day over a light ski though.

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i'm 60% flat on twisty rivers
40% mix of chop, slow rollers, up to downright nasty.
I have the benefit of about 40 places to ride all within 2 hours, and more than a dozen within 20 miles. So I get to choose every week what the conditions are going to be because we try to mix it up quite a bit. lakes have always been last on my list because they are not plentiful within an hours drive and are somewhat small, unexciting. If we had better lakes locally i'd be all over them.
I absolutely LOVE riding in the ocean !

The conditions are ALWAYS changing and even better riding conditions when there's northly swells pushing up from Baja CA. Makes for an excellent day and even better for catching big air !

I do like the occasional flat water ride on a lake. But only to warm up the engine !
When I'm on the lake, I basically just cruise around looking for waves. I like the rough water. If it's calm out on a particular day, I'll go closer to the shore and show off a bit so that's not too bad :cool:
We went to our favorite Lake Erie spot today. Fairport Harbor, great park / beach / break water area. Outside the break water it was GREAT today! Three / four foot swells spread out. Getting major air on GTI's ( For them ). I oldest son and I had a blast. We came back to base camp soaking wet. My Wife asked if we went off the Ski's. NOPE, we got wet the hard way.