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How hard can i ride my 2016 GTI 155 limited

So I'm relatively new to PWC's. I started this year with a 1999 GTI and had no psychological issues with riding it hard. The ski currently have some gremlin issues but I still had the opportunity to ride it how I wished before it completely stopped working. In one high wave jump i did with it, I busted all four motor mounts on landing (lol i only felt comforatble riding with friends just in case something broke). I find the ski very easy and cheap to work on when stuff broke so i rode it like i stole it. After the grimlin issue, I got tired of trying to fix the 1999 and bought my 2016 GTI with 100 hours. Where I ride, the waters are pretty bad, very very rough with constant large waves, swells and all. lately, I'm mentally struggling to ride the 2016 because the things always in the air due to the rough waters. With the complex electronics and parts I fear things will start breaking like the 1999 and I'll struggle with it on the repairs. I just spent a nice penny on it and wish to not trash it four rides in.

I guess my question is, is this a valid concern or do you just ride your ride and when stuff break they break and just deal with it? Is rough water riding a seadoo killer? The only way I can ride this thing without jumping is to keep the speed real low, like 10-15mph (in the rougher sections). Today, I was so close to reaching the Statue of Liberty, but the waves were like five feet tall and kept getting rougher so I abandoned the journey to what I presumed, not thrash the ski.
Rough water riding is why people buy jet skis. Just do a thorough post and preflight checks for loose hoses and connectors. The main Seadoo killer when jumping waves is not letting off the throttle when airborne and constantly high revving the engine and supercharger. Start low and build up your confidence in the ski. Obviously stuff will break quicker than if it sits on a trailer but that doesn't make sense either.
Copy... I guess I have to work on letting of the throttle, I am hearing the engine screaming while in the air. Iol, that'll be mentally challenging to do since as a beginner, I'm so focused on trying to stick a proper landing. A smooth landing feels real good, but when that hull smacks the water, I'm thinking, "how is this not going to break it"