When you mention that, it reminds me of a vid I saw on .......I can't remember now, but it wasn't "you tube", but it was an aircraft making a run at a suspected Al-Qaeda hide out. He dropped his laser guided and we saw the cross hairs aimed at a house. Then, a bunch of men walked out and was walking down the road. The pilot asked for a target acquisitioin change with all the men that were walking down the road. It was so funny, because it had to be 30 or 40 guys, just casually walking, like after some big meeting. Then, you hear the pilot talking then, "FLASH", then you see nothing. Just gone, nothing.........
I got another vid, where some snipers are sit up on hill side somewhere. He sits up his rifle, which I think was 50 caliper, then he pulls. It takes a minute or so (you can't even see what he's shooting at) then the bullet makes it's mark. This thing was so powerful, you saw the body fly up in the air 20 ft!, theres some technology today, that we sure didn't have when I was in!.........