What makes my PWC go?!?!

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New Member
Some people don't have the time or don't really care to work on their Seadoo and would rather pay someone else to take care of it for them. I believe that no one will take care of your stuff better then you and I think that rule applies for just about everything. I know I want to fully take care of my Seadoo(Winterizing/De-winterizing, General Maintenance, & Normal/Routine Preventative Maintenance) not because I think someone else wont do a good enough job but just out of simple passion and enjoyment of putting in my own wrench time. In order to do that I think you need a basic understanding of what makes her tick. If you don't know the basic concept of how it works then its easy to mess something up and not be able to truely keep your Seadoo running like it should. What I'm trying to say is that if you don't understand the system then you can't pay attention to every little detail thats necessary to keep the system working like it should. Theres a lot more envolved then just putting gas in it.
Theres a lot of very knowledgeable people here and even some mechanics that can explain the basics of how it works and just throw ideas out there of whats good to do after a normal ride which I feel is very important. So if you know and if you wouldn't mind taking the time to shed some light on the rest of us I know I would very much appreciate it to have a basic understanding of what makes my RXP go.
Although i have all the m,anuals assosiated with my 2005 RXT, i think for the best understanding of your questions, becoming a Premiere Member, you would be able to grab all the manuals for your craft. Give a read on them, and if your more savy then i am, you might actually understand the jargon lol

i do hate to point you in that direction, but everything on the jetski makes it go, miss just one component (ok, there might be 1 that can be missed) and it just wont run. the Manuals are the mest place to get the full answer.
I totally agree they we could post comments till the fish swim away, and never describe or explain all the working of your seadoo. If you can you should become a premium and read about your model in your free time. If you have specific questions I'm sure the members will point you in the proper direction. I think anyone that is informed here has a copy of the manuals. Take a look around...the members in the pursuit of knowledge, all for the most part, are premium members... Even the best mechanics have to look back in the manuals for a refresher some times...or to re-check correct information.
A big thread!

In going through the working world of the Rotax and through to the axial flow pump, you'd cover over the thousands of threads that have already been posted.
Each topic or thread started, deals with one area or issue at a time. Most people who come on, look through the forum like FAQ's and find a specific topic of interest that they are in need of an answer to.
I'm covered a few topics by sticky, like the inside working of the 787 because most users don't remove and rebuild their engines themselves. But they'd like to know what the crank or pistons look like.
We also have a thread posted in "changing oil in your jet pump" and "rebuilding and replacing your impellor wearing ring" and threads that cover rebuilding the carbs, working on the exhaust. There all there. Just in a piece by piece thread.
If we could post the entire working of a 657, 717, 787, 951 and the 4-TEC engines, it would take days, if not weeks and would leave littlel or no room for any other post. It would all be explained then.
If you would like to know specifics, like, how does the impellor create thrust, or how does the supercharger work, or what limits RPM to the engine?......these would be great threads to start. But I can't see us going from the top to the bottom on the complete theory and principle of how the Seadoo PWC or Boat works. That would involve way to much research.
But now, if you'd like to make a thread and ask for other members to add to your thread by post, I encourage it. See what kind of info you can come up with. It may prove to be interesting!

Not saying you can't do it, cause you can. But I dont' think you would ever find an end to your query
That's easy!

What makes your PWC go!.....that's easy. A Rotax motor, a shaft going through the hull to a jet drive water pump.
Then, you have to put gas in it. That's what really makes it go....
Dont' take me seriously but your question is one that I dont' think me or anyone else can answer in a type written post.......:cheers:
I really think what makes it go is when you remember to untie it from the dock...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
For sure:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: but this is probly a serious question. but not everyone thinks the same way and may word their questions diferently. please try and reword one question at a time and I am sure you will get the answers you are looking for. the people here on this site know alot about seadoos and like to help.
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I think releasing the ropes keeps it from remaining stopped. My 2 cents.....sorry.

good one James except...uh ...most people get hung with ROPE...boaters use Lines...which we untie, to release the boat or pwc..:rofl::ack:
I couldn't resist..
All fun aside!...

Shawn, your thread start was well intended, but as Robin has said, you probably need to narrow it down to specifics. Like asking how the rotary shaft works or why do I have an oil line on the bottom of my motor?
Your question is way to broad for any one answer. Everyone hear is more than willing to be a part of what your looking for and most of these answers I'm reading is just the members having fun. Please don't take offense. But please, ask a specific question and you'll get a lot of feedback! I promise.
I agree Shawn, the members here , myself included, take your interest very seriously! We are just having fun and running with it. If you want to start out with a specific area we will do our best to explain it so you understand the workings of you PWC.

Don't worry about me getting affended.... Dont forget i'm a marine and we get treated like S**t(its a family forum..:) ) on a regular basis. its a shame your all so far from MD i'd love to go out on a boat or skiing on a nice day and a case of beer with all of you. all joking aside i dont remember who said it but you said i didnt want anything that specific and you were right. i think i just worded it wrong thats all. I know how an engine basically works and thats the same concept with the 4tec or a car. There are of course some differences from what i've learned so far(like the air intake/exhaust)but its the same concept and i'm sure most of you can agree with that. especially with the closed loop cooling system. anyway as pointed out i'm more interested in what the motor does with the power to produce the thrust. this is what i know. the grate in the bottom sucks in water. this is used to cool the exhaust and create the thrust. from there it goesto the back of the pwc where it hits the impellor thats obviously spinning at a vary fast rate which continuously sucks in more water and pushes it out the back and the last part is a lot smaller to the point where at the impellor end its like and open cone and then it gets smaller which creates more thrust/pressure which in turn lets you do your 70mph :). ok so tell me if my wrong or if i left something out. thats what i've put together. i dont want anyone spending tons of time trying to explain in full detail of what does what and how it does it. i was just looking more for a goes to part b which goes to part c. i know you all know how it works so i figured you wouldnthave to do any research and could just tell me. i just want to know the basic concept and i think i do already i guess i'll know when you write back. i just want to know the names of the parts. for example it has an impellor and not a propeller... stuff like that..lol
ok well i think i summed it up as good as i could. hopefully you have a better idea of what i wanted. if i were to ask a specific question the two things i would want to know are how the impellor works and how the exhaust is cooled. either way i'll just make a new thread for something like that so it can be a fresh start and someone else who has the same specific question wont have to read through all the jokes and confusion to find it. thanks for all the help and keep enjoy all that warm water down in florida for me
Great post Jarhead!....

Well Shawn, seems you ain't lost your sense of humor. But for the most part, you seem to know how the craft works.
The engine is a scientific marvel, in that it adjusts the outputs as you move along. If the water temperature changes, which in turn changes the cooling efficiency of the closed loop cooling, then the sensors pick this up to make the minute changes needed to keep it at top efficiency. This engine has twice the horsepower of mine, but probably uses less fuel.
The theory of the propulsion is kinda like you said it. It's really a compressor. When you start the motor, the impellor pulls in water from a low pressure side and forces it through a smaller (nozzle) cavity where it creates thrust. Like a jet engine, the faster you go, the more water is being forced into the impellors intake, thus creating more pressure for thrust through the nozzle.
In explaining this to others in the forum, there is a simple science test you can do to see this in real time. When your riding WOT, look at the rooster tail or amount of thrust being created. Now, find a place where you can put you can nose in your PWC (without damage of course) and put the engine to WOT. You'll hear the engine take off, but look at the thrust behind you. It's significantly less.
You have to coolling systems on your pwc. The closed and open loop system. The closed loop system is used to cool your engine and also used in the heat transfer of your oil cooler. Your engines thermostat opens at 188*F and your temperature sensor (CTS) is set to warn you if the coolant reaches 212*F. Your radiator for coolant heat transfer is in your ride plate. That's the plate attached to the back and bottom of the ski where you'll also find your pump.
The open loop system is a water supply from the pressure built in your pump nozzle. The water flow is controlled by a reducer located between the jet pump support and the jet pump on the inlet side. Water is directed first through the intercooler or to the exhaust manifold fitting located at the front of the manifold for models without the intercooler. The water enters the manifold end and is directed to water jackets of the exhaust manifold. Then the water exits the exhaust manifold through two hoses. Water also enters the exhaust pipe and flows through the water jacket of the pipe. Water entering the exhaust provides cooling and also reduces the decibels to maintain a user friendly machine that you can operate without the use of earplugs.....LOL....
I love these kinds of questions. Feel free to ask all you like. Be advised though, as an EX SQUID, I'm gonna laugh at you cause we always knew we were so much smarter than you grunts!.............:rofl:
PS.....I did several tours of the Persian Gulf in my 8 years and earned a medal of citation for the hostage rescue attempt when the Shah of Iran was overthrown. I prefer not to tell you what year that was, because then you'd know what kind of antique I am.........oh, and there weren't any woman allowed on combat ships or in a combat zone!..........that should be a big hint!.....:rofl:
Stay safe! keep your head down and counting on your safe return..................Semper Fi
Well done Louis...and all that knowledge just from staying at the Holiday Inn last night!

Seriously, Great explanation!

thanks! thats exactly what i needed. i'll read it several times until i know it well enough to explain it back to you. thanks for the go ahead with the questions. Believe me i dont get home for another 42 days so i'm going to pick your PWC brain until you tell me to stop. i'm not sure what the lying media is saying these days but this war is over it has been for a long time. that being said i have a lot of free time on my hands (which explains my 80 some posts in the last couple days)(i have to keep up with karl). anyways thanks again. believe it or not i like working with the navy better then the marines. the marines are kind of like brothers. we fight and beat the crap out of each other until theres someone else to fight and then when there is your worse enemy has your back. unfortunaitly... there no one to fight here so were always at each others throats.:ack: my uncle was in the navy a long time ago. i've worked with the navy a lot here. theres a lot of stuff going on above the haditha dam so i run missions with the riveron guys and their boats up there on the lake. that makes me miss my rxp like crazy especially when there jumping each others wakes. there all nice guys. anyway thanks again and i promise to ask questions until you tell me shut up..lol:rofl: with a couple months left in the marine corp and the summer coming i need something else to take up my time. i have to stay busy or i'll go crazy
Hey Shawn, I'm glad the info Louis posted is a help. I hope the time over there pases quickly so you can come home safe and sound, and enjoy life state side. Feel free to ask anything you want to help pass the time. This forum is all about communication back and forth. I pass my time on the phone at work by checking out the post on the forum. I have been into watercraft longer than I want to admit, and it is a highlight of my life to be on the water. I'm also a Certified Naui Dive Master, and I love under the water as much as on it. Keep the questions coming as all the members can benefit from reading the posts.:)

Karl :cheers:
ok karl

i got one for you. whats WOT mean? reading an explanation with that is kind of like defining a word using word. lost is kind of like being lost:confused::confused::confused::ack:
Staying busy!...

Well, you stay busy until your return date, then we'll all look to see pix of you jumping wakes on your Doo, until your EAOS date comes up, then we'll expect you to get your DD-214 and re-up for a few more!....oh, I forgot to ask, is the SRB worth it for ya'll jarheads to stay?........LOL.....just pullin your leg. I'm sure you had enough of the crap to last a million years!......ask all the questions you want. When I'm on night shift, I'll answer as many as I can!.....
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