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What is going here? We keep capsizing!!

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New Member
Ok so I'm a noob and maybe you will tell me this is normal.

We have a 00 GTX RFI, it seems to tip to the Left alot. We have capsized it 3 x now. The first time I though it was just us, now i'm thinking otherwise. This weekend my brother-in-law was on it and the same thing happened to him.

Are these models just naturally more left heavy then right?
Do they just roll easily?
Could something be causing me to lean to the Left? (steering needing adjusting, spooners etc.)

Please help I'm tired of spending time upside down lol.

It might be the way your ridding it... Is the battery in the correct place inside the hull?

which way does the impeller rotate? would that rotation of the engine cause it to "feel" more left heavy when it really isn't?
yup just had it replaced,

Now they did put a gel one in there instead of the acid filled like usual are the gel ones heavier?
It could be. If you can balance it while it's sitting still, and not running it shouldn't give you a problem under way. It could be your balance problem. If the weight capacity is over say 200#, then it could be a problem there.

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