Water in the motor again!!

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New Member
Hello everybody,

I seriously think the ski is cursed lol it's the fourth time I get water in the motor, last wekk I replaced all the top gaskets and since then have taken the ski out 4 times and had no issues and it went great... So this morning just for fun I decided to pull the plugs just for fun "they looked great" then I decided oh why not crank it to see if anything is up and of course water starts spitting out! Now the only gasket I have left that I haven't changed is the one on the bottom which I assume must be the culprit, Now is there a way I can test this before taking the motor apart or do I go by total guess? If this is the case is it hard to pull the head off the pistons? any input would be apreciated...

I want this thing to be water free... lol
i dont know of any way to test it but to tear it apart, but are u asking if u can take the jugs off without removing the head?
you dont have mono jug so you need to pull the head either way to access the bolts for the jugs.......i have neevr heard of a way to test the base gasket but there may be......its only $15 bucks for the gasket so why not right......its pretty easy and can be doen in about 1/2 hour
Nevitt4.. I was asking if it's hard to pull the head off of the pistons to get the the bottom gasket. Brock1.. I thought the same that it couldn't be tested but I figured I would just ask anyways lol you never know! I'm gonna start pulling it apart saturday, hope this is the last time I have to take this thing apart!!
ok glad you got it.......its pretty easy to get the jugs off... but when you go to put them back on make sure you have the closing side of the rings turned the right way
By saying the closing side of the rings do you mean the rings on the pistons have to be facing a certain way? which way should they be facing if that's the case?

ok glad you got it.......its pretty easy to get the jugs off... but when you go to put them back on make sure you have the closing side of the rings turned the right way
yes the rings on the pistons...the closing side of it has to be facing the small pin in the piston......you will see when you take them off.....
perfect!! thanx for your help, I've already replaced all other gaskets but now I'll have to buy new ones again since I can't use them again!!

yes the rings on the pistons...the closing side of it has to be facing the small pin in the piston......you will see when you take them off.....
depending on how the manifold gaskets look you may be able to just reuse them if you just replaced them not too long ago...just make sure they dont rip...then thats all you need...no need to replace the squish band
The gaskets are about 1 week and a half old max!! so I'll make sure to be careful when pulling everything off, I want this thing to run with no problems... it's a real PITA
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