Hey Guys !
I must jump in Nitro's defense a little bit. I actually PM him in the beginning stage of this post and he promptly responded multiple times. I'm currently looking to get a bigger boat myself and I was very curious to learn from his experience. The first boat that I ever bought I was clueless and I got screwed.
I must say he is a nice guy and was very helpful and perhaps too nice not to bash this seller who knew that this guy flew down there and paid someone $250 to inspect the boat only to refuse a sea trial and didn't even want to allow it to connect to the garden hose along with other things. I understand where he is coming from because we all sounded like we are interested in the boat and wanted to know all the details after he did invested his time and money into it. Also, he did say to PM him for more info rather than making it public.
But on the other hand, I personally think sharing is caring and the seller should get a negative review here, as well as on eBay for being an A-hole and to warn others before putting a bid on this boat or any other future business with them.