Getting a late start on summer here and my engine will not start up. First time of season is usually rough but no joy this year. Just keeps turning the flywheel to no avail...
Exactly what engine do you have?
Obvious.... is the kill switch in place an working?
Are your sparkplugs wet? Are you getting spark x6?
How old is your trigger base? OEM units had terrible insulation that crumbled over the years ending with no spark.
The trigger base wires come out from under the flywheel to the rear. There are 6 wires, ending at a plug. Feel these wires. You can easily tell if the insulation is crumbling.
I cleaned the plugs and sprayed some carb cleaner into the intake as I cranked. Fired right up with this method. So in the future I will keep this in mind. My neighbor gave me the idea. Once the Utopia starts once she is good all summer.