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New Member
Tinted the windows what ya think.


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Thanks guys it wasn't that bad. I took the windows out which it was easier that way. Just had to drill a couple rivets out. And will a little soap they go back in easier.
yea I think it might be a little to dark (its 2.5%) but I normal have the seat up and look over it anyway.
I think it looks great, very nice boat. :cheers:

Oh, can you tell us more about how your boat has been now that you got it back? How nice/big of a wake does it make for wakeboarding? Thanks!
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Brett the boat has been great since i got it back, no issues other than the depth gauge going out but it was a wire that came loose and the switch for the blower going out. the wake is good for a beginers and then you can fill the tanks for more advance riders. Very happy with it.
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