Stupid Question

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Tim Cole

New Member
During a refill I managed to spill gasoline into the portside footwell of our Sea Doo GTX...I bailed the gasoline-tainted well water into a gasoline can and while awaiting a proper disposal solution my 16-year-old poured the water back into the tank...He tried to start it but my wife caught him before the engine turned over (a good thing, I think)...I need some ideas on how to drain the tank...Is there an easy way to do that or do I need to get a hand pump...And any good ideas out there on how I can flush clean gas through the system...Thanks
No problem!

Not a stupid question at all. You don't mention what year your GTX is, so I didn't go into the manual to see the exact layout of your tank.
Oil and gas doesn't mix. The water in the fuel will go to the bottom of the tank. If you have a plug or hose that comes from the bottom of the tank, I'd just let the water run out until you see fuel. Or you can drain it completely. If there isn't a way to let the fuel run out and it has to be siphoned, then you can do it the old fashion way or go to your local auto parts store and they can "hook you up" with a siphon hose or pump. There are pump on the market with small lines that mechanincs use to put down the oil fill tube to drain transmissions, so I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.
Hopefully, you didn't get any into your fuel system. I would take care of this ASAP because if you did get it into your fuel lines, then corrosion can begin to take place in your carb/inj. system fairly fast. So get the water out and run it as soon as possible. And when you let it run, I'd let it run for a good 15 minutes to make sure your system is completly water free.
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To add to what seadoosnipe said,Gas and water seperiate because water is heaver than water. If you mix it up it will still separate, with or without oil mix as in premix. I would do 1 of 2 things(1) Remove the hose fitting from the top of the tank and siphon the water off the BOTTOM using the idea from the above post or(2) Remove the fuel tank if it is a easy project, and pour the good gas off the top till it leaves the water left in the bottom, than pour the contaminated fuel in a seperate container. Re-install the empty tank, tighten up all fittings and connections and pour in the good fuel. I would try to remove any good fuel from the contaminated container ( use it in the lawm mower)and dump the water in a recycle container and dispose of it as you would with used oil.
!!!SAFETY REMINDER!!! Gas is very flammmable!
REMEMBER TO DO THIS IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA! Wear eye protection! Outside is the best place. Not in the garage, and not with the kids around, you don't want any mistakes again. Becarefull and take your time.
To add to what seadoosnipe said,Gas and water seperiate because water is heaver than water. If you mix it up it will still separate, :o;)

!!!SAFETY REMINDER!!! Gas is very flammmable!
REMEMBER TO DO THIS IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA! Wear eye protection! Outside is the best place. Not in the garage, and not with the kids around, you don't want any mistakes again. Becarefull and take your time.

As above.

Its a good Idea to remove the battery before messing with fuel.:banghead::willy_nilly:
ps Dont smoke fags. (fags are cigs over here UK)

I haven't heard that term used since I was last in Southhampton!.....LOL
I remember the first time I heard it......I'm like, who's the FAG?....LOL
D5UPE, Thanks for adding that little tid bit of info that is so important!! YES Remove the battery to eliminate and chance of sparks! Prior to starting this project.
Meeting in place!

By the way Karl, meet Dave!........he's the forum jester!.......:rofl:
Give him an out of context sentence and he's guaranteed to run with it....:hat:
One little trick I was taught by an old salt was for my 25 horse outboard. I got some water in the tank and was trying to siphon it out into a bucket. He asked what is damnation I was doing and after I explained it, he said don't bother, get a bottle of pure grain alcohol, Moonshine is best, and throw it in the tank. The water mixes with the alcohol. Then, throw a 5 gallon can of extra clean gas into the boat and run the tank dry. The alcohol will carry the water with it and burn enough to get rid of the water. When the tank is dry, fill it with the spare 5 gallons you brought.

In the case of the Doo, since it isn't practical to carry extra fuel, tie off from a dock or pier, and run it out close by at low throttle, yes, it'll take a while, but it worked great on my tank.

Though this may have worked for you on an old outboard motor, the Rotax engine and an outboard are very different engines. Yes, most of them are 2-cycle engines, they are designed very differently. The grain alcohol could cause a break-down in the rotary chamber seals allowing oil to leak into the combustion chamber.
I don't think I'd want to do this in my boat. The old fashion way of siphoning off the water would work best, since water and oil seperate. Just strip off the bottom of the tank and you'll be good to go and in less time. :cheers:
I'd save the moon shine for drinking after you siphon the water out of gas to get rid of the taste...
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