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Stuck Jet Pump 97 SPX

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New Member
Trying to remove the Jet Pump from my 97 SPX, and it will not come out. I followed the service manual instructions, so I have removed the 4 nuts, and 3 tubes from within the jet ski. When I pull on the pump it tends to want to pivot up, but feels loose most anywhere else. I am assuming the issue is RTV/Sealant that was applied at some time (not 100% sure because I have not owned it the entire time). Would that cause this problem? Nothing else seems to be binding up, the driveshaft seems to slide as I pull on the pump as do the hose connections.

If it is the sealant issue, are there any good tricks? I have searched a little but it doesn't sound like there are too many good options for getting it unstuck. I saw the tools in the service manual, and I could see how a puller would help but I don't really have the welding skills to build it. The idea of using crowbar makes me a little nervous since I would be pushing off of fiberglass.

Yes, silicone is applied at the three tru-hull holes. I seached many pry bars til I found two that complement the task. Keep rockin' it, it'll finally come free. Been there, done that. Now I can do it in a few minutes. Useing a Neoprene seal makes it easier the next time. Lotsa info
on pump pulling in the "how-to" section of this forum.
If the pump was stuck to the drive shaft would it prevent me from removing it? The bind seems mechanical in feel. I am not sure if this was ever a salt water ski, but the pump has always looked different from my 96.
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