Steering wheel rotation

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New Member
I am having a couple of problems. I am hoping all this has to do with the steering box but wanting to get some opinions.

1. With the wheel centered and the jet straight to get to a full left turn i only have to turn the wheel a little over 90 degrees. But to turn fully right i ahve to do it about 180 degrees. Is this normal?

2. For whatever reason i have backed out the adjustment screws for the throttle under little propulsion system and no matter what when i turn the right it really guns it. I think this might have to do with problem 1. Any ideas let me know.

I know i have a bad steering gear box as i can keep turning the wheel after it stops with enough pressure i can get it to jump and pop either direction.

I have a 2000 speedster
I know on the earlier models if you turned full throttle in either direction, the throttle cable is controlled by the steering, to help in tight places. It would be adjusted in the front compartment. If the steering mechanism is bad, I would start at that point and go from there.

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