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Starter help!

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yes i have tried with fully charged battery brand new like 10 times. i did take plugs out when i heard the oozing. either way i know something is locked up. when i try to start it with full charge, i hear the engine try to turn over and it makes like one clunk and then i cant get anyhitng else out of it. not even a click
that one clunk still sounds like it could be a weak battery, take the plugs out completely and put the caps on the grounding posts and try to crank it over using the starter, let us know what it does.
I read all the post in this thread. Before you go any further, sit back and think about what your doing. If you start pulling the seadoo apart, consider it sold! I don't care if it's your best friend. If you start yanking it apart you will own it. Is this seadoo worth the aggravation...? If it's seized, its scrap. You will need more than $1000.00 to fix it and about 1/2 the summer getting parts or the rebuild completed. Look around for a running seadoo that you can have fun with now. Pay cheap now and more later or just take the same money and get something that runs and will not turn into a summer project. This is just my opinion from years of experience with the same good intentions.... Think before you move forward. If you want to own it, work a deal and pay for it, or move away and find another seadoo to buy.

yeah im going to give up on it tonight if we dont get any progress. I have been looking really hard for a solid seadoo and i want something 1997 or newer for under $3,000. im not finding much because no one wants to sell their seadoo at the begining of the summer. why couldnt my GSX have gotten rear ended last fall!

I just really wanted something for memorial weekend. I have this 2500$ check from the insurance company sitting here staring at me!
You can't turn it over by hand so stop right there. No need to use a strap wrench or anything like that. If the pump is OK, the engine is locked up and must come completely apart and rebuilt.


Even if you where to get the engine to break free why would you want to run it like that? breaking it free to me is a waste of time, if it is froze it needs to come apart.....and thats why I gave my 2 cents to look elsewhere days ago, as you told me he wanted 2200 for it and that was crazy in my book, and yes Karl and Chester both make a strong point.......if you start taking it apart it is going to be yours and then you will end up paying him what he wants.

That was just a guess from me at $1000 just making a point. There are doo's all over the place down here at 2001 and older with a trailer for under $3000 and are in very nice condition.
I have this 2500$ check from the insurance company sitting here staring at me!

yep. its gone, his problem again. thats why im asking you guys because you all have more experience with these things. He said hes bringing it into his uncles seadoo shop this weekend and i said i would buy it if it works after but right now im looking for something different. thanks for all the help though guys i really appreciate your advice.:rofl:
That was the smartest thing that you could have done...Put your money away so those eyes don't tempt you to buy a yamahaha....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Trust me there are a lot of GOOD seadoos available. Patience and keep looking, and it will happen. Rather have fun in a couple weeks than spend all summer getting someone else's problem to run properly.

Keep an open mind and it will happen.

yeah i was looking at a yamaha GP1200 today and started to get serious about it but then i had to b**** slap myself and walk away. what was i thinking
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See I told ya....go hide that money...Next thing ya know you'll be buying a new Guitar or amp of something...:rofl:

i already went through that faze in junior high. everyone wants to be a rockstar at some point in their life and that stupid faze is long gone haha. im stuck in the seadoo faze and i dont think it will be going away any time soon.:reddevil:
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