I read all the post in this thread. Before you go any further, sit back and think about what your doing. If you start pulling the seadoo apart, consider it sold! I don't care if it's your best friend. If you start yanking it apart you will own it. Is this seadoo worth the aggravation...? If it's seized, its scrap. You will need more than $1000.00 to fix it and about 1/2 the summer getting parts or the rebuild completed. Look around for a running seadoo that you can have fun with now. Pay cheap now and more later or just take the same money and get something that runs and will not turn into a summer project. This is just my opinion from years of experience with the same good intentions.... Think before you move forward. If you want to own it, work a deal and pay for it, or move away and find another seadoo to buy.