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Starter engages, MPEM good then?


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I’ve been thinking about making an offer on a 96XP, it’s in pretty rough shape. When I press the start button usually nothing happens unless I tap the starter with a rubber mallet. It barely turns the motor over at all. Does the fact that the starter turns at all when pressing the start button confirm that he MPEM is good?
I guess it depends on the price with all the unknowns. Does the MPEM give the 2 beeps when the key is placed on (good sign but probably not all functions of the MPEM are checked)? Without the starter you can't check compression or tell is the trigger coil, MPEM, CDI and coil are producing spark. You could run some static resistance checks on all those electrical components but I ran the resistance checks on 3 separate 96 CDIs which did not pass but all worked in the ski when the real problem was resolved. If you still have a 96 GSX I think that is the same starter used in the XP.
Yes, it has the 2 beeps. There are a lot of unknowns with it, and it is in rough shape, seat has foam damage which I’ve repaired before and covered with 2 way stretch from DIYseatskins.com had the grey lines, missing the vts motor, hull has some stress cracks and minor gelcoat damage in a spot or 2, then there’s the unknowns, crank ok? Compression? Although MPEM appears ok, it’s not a for sure. It does come with a spare hull that’s only missing the engine and a trailer. I’m going to offer him 300.00 and go from there. I really don’t need it, I’m happy with the ones I have but I would kind of like to have the X4 with the 787 and I do enjoy learning to work on them
Yes, it has the 2 beeps. There are a lot of unknowns with it, and it is in rough shape, seat has foam damage which I’ve repaired before and covered with 2 way stretch from DIYseatskins.com had the grey lines, missing the vts motor, hull has some stress cracks and minor gelcoat damage in a spot or 2, then there’s the unknowns, crank ok? Compression? Although MPEM appears ok, it’s not a for sure. It does come with a spare hull that’s only missing the engine and a trailer. I’m going to offer him 300.00 and go from there. I really don’t need it, I’m happy with the ones I have but I would kind of like to have the X4 with the 787 and I do enjoy learning to work on them
Well if it beaps when you put the key on then the MPEM is good the starter is probably weak. For 300 bucks you can’t really go wrong

Ps the x4 is the best ski ever made 😎🤣
Well if it beaps when you put the key on then the MPEM is good the starter is probably weak. For 300 bucks you can’t really go wrong

Ps the x4 is the best ski ever made 😎🤣
Thanks Steve, I don’t know if he will take the 300.00 or not, I went to his shop today but he was closed for the holidays. I like my 717’s but I know I will regret it if I don’t at least make an offer on this and 300.00 may seem low but when I think of the work and money to get it back up and going it’s actually fair.
Thanks Steve, I don’t know if he will take the 300.00 or not, I went to his shop today but he was closed for the holidays. I like my 717’s but I know I will regret it if I don’t at least make an offer on this and 300.00 may seem low but when I think of the work and money to get it back up and going it’s actually fair.
Yeah man 300 is super cheap but the most o would pay is 500-600
Yeah man 300 is super cheap but the most o would pay is 500-600
I’m at 400.00 max. Not because it’s not worth more. But just because i know how much money and work would go into it to get it mechanically and cosmetically sound again. I stopped today and made my 300.00 offer. He didn’t just throw me out but did say he paid 1200.00 for it and thought he could get a 1000.00. I told him him he would never get 1000.00 for it, I hope I didn’t come off as rude. I certainly always try to be respectful. After he thought for a minute he said to come back in 2 weeks so I think he’s going to try and post it and see what he gets. Hopefully he gets a bunch of low offers ( hard to imagine they would be lower than mine) and a bunch of no shows and million questions. I will stop back in, in 10 days and see how he made out.
I’m at 400.00 max. Not because it’s not worth more. But just because i know how much money and work would go into it to get it mechanically and cosmetically sound again. I stopped today and made my 300.00 offer. He didn’t just throw me out but did say he paid 1200.00 for it and thought he could get a 1000.00. I told him him he would never get 1000.00 for it, I hope I didn’t come off as rude. I certainly always try to be respectful. After he thought for a minute he said to come back in 2 weeks so I think he’s going to try and post it and see what he gets. Hopefully he gets a bunch of low offers ( hard to imagine they would be lower than mine) and a bunch of no shows and million questions. I will stop back in, in 10 days and see how he made out.
Hey man you got to try. Yeah from the way it sounds heys not gunna get 1000 for it there’s ones in my area for 400 in a little bit better condition than what you described. So I doubt he will sell it good luck
I would add to this convo about the MPEM. The real key to knowing the brain is good is does it have spark. Pull the plugs to remove compression and make the starter work easier. Check for spark while cranking. If it has spark the rest is fixable. (IMO)
Thanks for the replies, I’m not going to be able to check for spark.? I can only get a partial turn when trying to crank it over with tapping on the starter. It’s pretty rough, could be an easy fix but probably not and I’m in a good position of not really caring if I get it or not so I will go back this week and see what happens. It’s a definite gamble so....
I would add to this convo about the MPEM. The real key to knowing the brain is good is does it have spark. Pull the plugs to remove compression and make the starter work easier. Check for spark while cranking. If it has spark the rest is fixable. (IMO)
Well the spark is not related to the MPEM on the 96 xp the cdi and MPEM are separate it is super easy to work on
I’ve been thinking about making an offer on a 96XP, it’s in pretty rough shape. When I press the start button usually nothing happens unless I tap the starter with a rubber mallet. It barely turns the motor over at all. Does the fact that the starter turns at all when pressing the start button confirm that he MPEM is good?
I have done extensive similar electrical work on 1998 gsx ltd. I am a retired mechanic so can afford the time to potter about.
I suggest starter is at fault. Remove and rebuild or replace. I fitted new to mine, $50 off Alibaba, goes well.
Unless you can hear ski running, it's a gamble buying or negotiating $$. It's a risk paying good money for ski engine condition that may not be at all true. My advice, without hearing it run, assume engine needs recondition. If current owner wanting lots $$$s', walk away.
I pay $300 for skis and I don't care if the run or what is wrong with them. If the body is in really good shape I might go to $500. Basically all of these skis need an engine and complete restoration unless they have paperwork that says otherwise. I restore skis so am not interested in running skis. They won't run long anyway from experience. :)

I have a bad azz engine for a XP. It is a Miller built mild race engine and I have the gray box for it as well. Supposedly 16 hours on the engine. I got a pile of performance parts also. If you lived close and wanted a really hot XP I could hook you up. :)
OMG, pretty excited. I’m sure that excitement will wear off pretty quickly once I get to thinking about what all will be needed but anyways I just got a call from Adam, that’s the fellow with the 2 96 XP’s, one of which is on a single trailer and the other has no motor, but it has the pump and electrical. I had stopped in there last year to look at them, I asked how much, he said how does 1500.00 sound. I said I would think about it and didn’t come back till this spring. I offered him 300.00, he said he would think about it, I stopped again 2 weeks later, he said he might list them but took my number, well he called today and said come and get them, I said how much, he said what you offered 400.00, I said I had offered 300.00, he said ok, come get them. I’m going tomorrow to get at least one and then probably the other one the next day, wife works till 2:30 each day so I want to bring them home while she’s still at work, lol. Just easier that way
Ha ha, you're yard is going to look like mine. I have plenty parts around here so if you need something check with me. Good Luck !!
Thank you, And the other way, if I have something you need..... I’m done with feeling pressured to work on these, so I’m guessing I will start on this one maybe this winter at the earliest.